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生气,不悦一阵愠怒。A fit of petulant sulkiness.

“他是一位绅士。”孩子愠怒地说。"He is a gentleman, " said the lad sullenly.

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弗烈特绷着脸愠怒地瞪着他弟弟。Freddie stared sullenly at his younger brother.

她带来几个脸色愠怒的孩子。She brought along a couple of sulky looking kids.

但是这次愠怒的欧洲人对他却是不理不睬。But this time he was being greeted by sullen indifference.

对尼尔的愠怒和甜言蜜语,他都无动于衷。He remained impervious to all nell's sulks and blandishments.

我的朋友们,友爱优于愠怒,希望强于畏惧,乐观犹胜绝望。My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear.

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用来表示惊讶,惊奇,欣喜若狂,迷惑或愠怒。Used to express surprise, wonder, triumph, puzzlement , or pique.

她今天并没有带着这种愠怒的抵触情绪到他这儿来。She had not come to him today with this feeling of sullen antagonism.

很多土著社区里的人都有一种愠怒的敌对情绪。In a lot of Aboriginal communities there's an air of sullen hostility.

舰队的管弦乐团指挥站在一边,面色虽愠怒但很知趣。The ship's orchestra's conductor stood to one side, looking peeved but apprehensive.

他的情绪容易突变,且会无缘无故地愠怒和哭泣。He is liable to sudden changes of mood and would sulk and cry for no apparent reason.

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她能够从男人的眼神当中看出来——和善,但似乎有些愠怒。She can tell by the way he’s looking at her—kind, but also as if he could get a little angry.

我愠怒地瞪着眼睛,从他那天使般的脸一直扫视到那只红底儿上画着一个滑稽可笑的牛脸的包装很奢华盒子。My angry eyes traveled from his angelic face to the luxurious red box with its droll-faced cow.

他深吸了口气,还是没有看我。“你知道出了什么事。”他愠怒地说。He breathed in deeply through his nose. He still would not look at me. 'You know what it is, ' he said sulkily.

紧紧地挤到她身旁来的是她的老保姆,她那又胖又黄的面孔,感情冲动得有点愠怒,眼里流著眼泪。Jammed close to her was her old nurse, whose puffy, yellow face was pouting with emotion, while tears rolled from her eyes.

人类通常喜欢听好听的话,一听到拂耳之言就容易产生不悦甚至愠怒之感。To enjoy pleasant compliments, human. Once encountered with offensive warnings or criticisms, we may be sour, or even resentful.

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“不要像个孩子那样做出幼稚的举动,现在好好坐在这儿。”克劳迪娅那带着愠怒的声音迫使瑞克回来坐下。"Don't be such a baby and play the role of tough guy, now sit here, " said Claudia with her angry voice making Rick step back and sit down.

今天,生活在大不列单的儿童,每三个中就有一个排在等待领取救济的队伍中,与此同时,银行家们因为年度分红略有下降而愠怒不已。One in three children in Britain today lives below the breadline, while bankers sulk if their annual bonus falls to a paltry million pounds.

闻言,族长脸上浮起愠怒,他扫过周遭,目光回落到白启身上,不由得怒喝道。Smell speech, start to float chagrin on the clan long face, he once swept whole, the vision dew white in the Qi body, not from get the Nu drink a way.