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还有,瞄准那个半身人。And aim for the halfling.

我正在瞄准他们的膝盖骨!I'm aiming for the kneecaps!

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一座激光炮塔瞄准了博加。A laser turret targeted Boga.

猎人瞄准了那只狼。The hunter aimed at the wolf.

他们瞄准了错误的目标。They aim at the wrong target.

这么着才能瞄准。You should take aim like this.

“弹幕”现在影响瞄准射击。Barrage now affects Aimed Shot.

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您先头没有看见有杆枪对着您瞄准吗?Did you see a gun aimed at you?

弓箭手拉弓瞄准,准备射箭。Archers aim and prepare to fire.

他瞄准那只鸟取没有打中。He aimed at the bird and missed.

他“瞄准”那只鸟射击,可是没打中。He aimed at the bird but missed.

瞄准或用支架描准仪。Sight or collimator with bracket.

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他瞄准那只鸟却没打中。He aimed at the bird and missed it.

他举枪瞄准入侵者。He trained his gun on the intruder.

不要短打。目标瞄准场外。Don't bunt. Aim out of the ballpark.

我瞄准了那个黑点,但没打中。I aimed at the black spot and missed.

那个男孩瞄准那只鸟射击但没打中。The boy aimed at the bird but missed.

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瞄准了一位守贞的美丽女子,西方之后。At a fair vestal, throned by the west.

她瞄准目标射击,但没打中。She aimed at the target but missed it.

猎人们慢慢地瞄准,然后——喀嚓。The hunters slowly take aim and–click.