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这就好比他一丝不挂的坦露在我面前,而我却是隐形的。He was naked. I was not.

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在裸体海滩上一丝不挂。Bare all on a nude beach.

当她再次出现在我面前时,她全身上下一丝不挂。When she reappeared she was naked.

他答,‘今晚看到你一丝不挂。’He said, ‘Seeing you naked tonight.

那婴儿一丝不挂,看起来真可爱。The baby looks lovely with nothing on.

一丝不挂的说给我听。Stark- nakedly say that let me listen to.

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女孩醒来时发现他一丝不挂压在自己身上。She awoke to find him naked on top of her.

我们看见他一丝不挂地沿着街跑。We saw him running down the road starkers.

一丝不挂的老男人们端着枪——你说得没错。Naked old men with guns—now you’re talking.

其中一位女士除了一条浴巾外一丝不挂。One was a lady wearing nothing but a bath towel.

如果一只乌龟失去了壳,牠是无家可归还是一丝不挂?If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked?

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塞拉斯几乎一丝不挂,他拖着苍白的身子拾阶而下。Almost naked, Silas hurled his pale body down the staircase.

他们的父母让他们在沙滩上一丝不挂地爬着。Their parents were just letting them crawl naked in the sand.

他一丝不挂地通过走廊跑到浴室。He ran along the corridor to the bathroom in his brithday suit.

几小时后,她醒过来,几乎一丝不挂,房子空无一人。She woke up several hours later, almost naked, in an empty room.

她的头发紧紧束起,肌肉发达的身体一丝不挂。Her hair was tightly swept up, her muscular body on full display.

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她下了床,一丝不挂地站在厨房里,摆出一副检票员的姿势。She got out of bed, stood naked in the kitchen being a conductor.

啊,你的身体,惊惶如雕塑,一丝不挂。There the night flutters. Ah your body, a frightened statue, naked.

书生看到茫茫大海,一名遇害女子一丝不挂的地躺在沙滩上。See the sea, a scholar who murdered the woman was to lie on the beach.