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这是供体星,在供体星和中子星。This is called the accretor and this is called the donor.

是强有力的x射线源,中子星绕中心旋转。So these binary systems are very potent sources of x-rays.

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有时候她也可以变为一个中子星或者黑洞。Sometimes a neutron star results and sometimes a black hole.

一颗中子星很微量的一部分,重量也会超过1亿吨。A thimbleful of a neutron star would weigh over 100 million tons

讨论了中子星内中子超流涡旋。Neutron superfluid vertex in neutron stars is discussed in this paper.

一个旋转的中子星拖出了一条神奇的尾巴,至少看起来是这样的。A spinning neutron star is tied to a mysterious tail -- or so it seems.

中子星拥有直接观测到的最为致密的物质。Neutron stars contain the densest known matter that is directly observable.

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因而看来在家里制造一个“中子星”也似乎是一个简单的活。It might therefore seem like an easy task to create a 'neutron star' at home.

一茶匙中子星上的物质重达十亿吨。One teaspoonful of material from a neutron star would weigh a billion tonnes.

其次,我们研究了零温时中子星物质的物态方程。Secondly, the equation of state of neutron matter at zero temperature is studied.

这些双星系统由一个巨星和围绕其的中子星组成。These binary systems consist of a neutron star orbiting around a supergiant star.

每一颗脉冲星或中子星都曾是大质量恒星死后快速旋转的核心。Each pulsar or neutron star is the fast-rotating, dead heart of a once-massive star.

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下面就是杜克大学的团队从他们的中子星激光捕捉法模拟中获得一些乐趣的时候了。This is when the Duke team had some fun with their laser-trapped neutron star analog.

中子星的旋转,以及x射线脉冲,这是同一个物体的参数。So you see here unmistakably the rotation of the neutron star and the x-ray pulsations.

一种可能就是脉冲星——不停发出强大电磁波的旋转中子星。One possibility is pulsars – rotating neutron stars that emit strong radio transmissions.

中子星是宇宙中密度最高的天体之一,一茶匙的重量便高达数十亿吨,距离成为黑洞只有一步之遥。One step from becoming black holes, neutron stars are thedensest objects in the universe.

这个发电机制造出强劲的能量风,把电子和离子吹离中子星。This generator drives an energetic wind of electrons and ions away from the neutron star.

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新发现的这颗中子星只有单一的碳大气层,厚十余厘米。The newly identified neutron star has a unique atmosphere of carbon just centimetres thick.

濒死中子星的悲鸣会始于低吟,但很快地就扬高,变成高音调。The wail of dying neutron stars would start low and sweep higher in an almost musical chirp.

所以,科学家们可以把中子星添进他们可以在实验室里进行测试的宇观物体的列表中了。So, scientists can add neutron stars to their list of cosmic things they can test in the lab.