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五氯苯酚中所含的二恶英正是污染物。PCP contains dioxins as contamination.

苯酚如果被摄入体内,可能会损坏人体的内脏。Carbolic acid can damage internal organs if ingested.

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五氯苯酚被广泛用作杀真菌剂和木柴防腐剂。PCP is widely used as a fungicide and wood preservative.

苯酚,当其与皮肤接触会引起青春痘。Phenol, when in contact with the skin can cause pimples.

答案是植物苯酚——确切地说是可可豆苯酚。The answer is plant phenols -- cocoa phenols, to be exact.

本文研究了桐油和苯酚在酸催化剂存在下的反应过程。The reaction between Tung Oil and phenol has been studied.

用同样方法可以降解HCHO和苯酚。The same method can be used and phenol degradation of HCHO.

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苯酚是一种重要的有机化工原料,用途广泛。Phenol, as a essential chemical material, is widely utilized.

加入氮源能促进生长和苯酚降解。Adding nitrogen source can promote its growth and degradation.

方法采用苯酚-硫酸比色法。Method Content determination with phenol-vitriolic colorimetry.

芽孢杆菌属和假单胞菌属是降解苯酚的主要细菌。The main phenol-degrading bacteria were Bacillus and Pseudomona.

对苄基苯酚和邻苄基苯酚的总收率提高到80。The yield of o-benzyl phenol and p-benzyl phenol could reach 80.

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棕褐色液体,主要由苯酚,甲酚和二甲酚等组成。Brown liquid , mainly consist of phenol , cresol and xylenol etc.

TKO系列产品为对—特辛基苯酚甲醛树脂。TKO series products are p- tert-octyl phenol formaldehyde resins.

经熔点测定和红外光谱分析,确证产品是苯酚。The product was characterized by melt point and IR spectra analysis.

对苯甲酸液相催化氧化合成苯酚中催化剂进行了研究。The catalyses in the benzoic acid oxidation process are also studied.

该菌能够以对硝基苯酚为唯一碳源和氮源进行生长。P3 can grow with p-nitrophenol as the sole carbon and nitrogen source.

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它不溶于二硫化碳,溶于热苯胺和苯酚。It is insoluble in carbon disulphide, soluble in hot aniline and phenol.

按葡萄糖氧化酶法测血糖,按苯酚-硫酸法测肝糖元含量。Blood glucose and liver glycogen were measured by GOD method and phenol_su.

水中苯酚、五氯酚、2,4,6-三氯酚的高效液相色谱法。HPLC Determining phenol, pentachlorophenol, 2. 4. 6-Trichlorophenol in Water.