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云彩的势力之下也一样皎洁。Might as well be in a cloud.

她的光明面,就像一轮皎洁满月。Her bright face was like a full moon.

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中秋夜,皎洁的月光,让我倍思亲。In the autumn, bringing a moon, I loved.

我希望皎洁完美的月亮为你潇洒清辉。I wish you a perfect moon shining just for you.

皎洁的弯月是你,缺失的那份是我。You are bringing a meniscus , that I am missing.

月光皎洁,每每带我入梦里For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams

月色皎洁,汉瑟和葛丽特慢慢地走。The moon is very bright. Hansel and Gretel walk slowly.

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平安夜,圣善夜,神子爱,光皎洁。Silent night, holy night, Son of God, love's pure light.

夜深了,皎洁的月光漫溯过我的侧脸。It was late, bright moonlight roving through my side face.

浩瀚无垠的大海上,升起一轮皎洁的明月,照耀苍穹…。The vast expanse of sea, a bright moon rising, shining sky.

她比那晨星更可爱,比月亮更皎洁。She is fairer than the morning star, and whiter than the moon.

在皎洁的月光下散步是件很适意的事情。It is a great pleasure to walk in the clear and bright moonlight.

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愿我如星君如月,夜夜流光相皎洁。Like me as Xing Jun Kisaragi, every night bringing a streamer phase.

一个夜深人静的晚上,皎洁的月光将我很快送入梦乡。One night, the night sea. clean moonlight will I quickly into sleep.

繁星越发皎洁,一派娇美的夜色。The heavy star is more and more clean, a beautiful night of parties.

她爱大自然的美,尤爱皎洁的月色。She loves the beauty of nature, especially love the bright moonlight.

一轮新月,皎洁地,挂在秋天没有风的树梢。The fair crescent, white and bright, in calm fall at treetop suspend.

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在皎洁的月光下,那个花花公子在我耳边悄悄说着情话。The playboy whispered love words to my ear with a bright moon in the sky.

今夜的风比那时凉了一些,月亮没有那么圆,月光也没有那么皎洁。The wind tonight than I was cool, not so round moon, moon is not so bright.

在皎洁的月光下,那个花花公子在我耳边悄悄说着情话。The playboy whispered sweet nothings to my ear with a bright moon in the sky.