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数年磨励、励精图治。Years to sharpen, good.

公司经过10年多的励精图治与努力发展,已形成一定规模。Company after 10 years of hard efforts to develop and has formed a certain scale.

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几年来,我们励精图治,奋勇拼搏,开拓出一片崭新的天地。In recent years we make every effort courageously fighting and open up a new world.

这十年,是印尼励精图治的十年,也是收获成功的十年。These ten years have seen the hard work of Indonesia and the success of this nation.

乾隆皇帝若有所悟,来到仙女面前忏悔,发誓要做一个励精图治的明君。Emperor Qianlong was inspired and repented before the Fairy, vowing to be a diligent governor.

励精图治,不断进取,锐意创新,力创本行业一流企业。Good governance, continuous improvement and innovation, of a first-class enterprise in the industry.

公司励精图治,谋求与世界各国工商界朋友共同发展,携手共进。We will make great efforts to develop and advance together with our business friends all over the world.

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同时励精图治,养兵买马,进一步壮大隋朝的军事实力。At the same time, hard work, maintain an army to buy a horse, further expand the sui dynasty military strength.

这歌声呼唤着华夏儿女励精图治,创造更家美好的明天。This singing calls China children to make great effort to make country strong and create more a house fine tomorrow.

三十多年的励精图治,公司在工具开发中积累了丰富的经验和非凡的技术。Thirty years of hard work, the company in tools in developing has accumulated rich experience and special technology.

在新世纪里,我们继续秉承“专业、服务、创新、卓越”的精神,与时俱进,励精图治,致力于企业发展的更高峰。In this new century, Ritai aims to proceed forward under the guidance of "Professionalism, Service, Innovation, Exceeding".

多年来励精图治,积累了丰富的大件运输经验,和培养了一批专业的高素质员工队伍。Prosper over the years has accumulated a wealth of large transport experience, and trained a group of professional high-quality staff.

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企业自成立之初便制定了“励精图治、走可持续发展之路”的经营方针。Since its inception enterprises have developed a "good governance, and take the road of sustainable development, " the operating principle.

20世纪以来,亚洲国家励精图治、奋起直追,重返经济发展的快车道。Starting from the 20th century, Asian countries have made unyielding efforts to catch up and return to the fast track of economic development.

经过20多年的励精图治,现已发展成为一个国内同行业规模最大、服务项目最全、技术装备实力最强的专业化公司。Through 20 years' construction, it has become one of the biggest and most comprehensive, technically advanced and specialized companies in China.

几代民航人励精图治,团结奋斗,为中国的民航事业谱写了壮丽的篇章。Diligent effort from generations working with the Civil Aviation of China has presented a magnificent picture of China's civil aviation undertaking.

新世纪,商机无限。面对市场日益激烈的竞争,我们将在原有优势的基础上不断优化,不断创新,从更高、更优异姿态励精图治,再次腾飞。New century, new opportunities. In order to fit for the competitive market, we'll keep improving, innovating, and do our best to make great progress.

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承蒙广大用户的厚爱与关怀,“见硕人”将继续拼搏进取,在“技术可靠、价格实惠”上励精图治。Thanks to the love and care for the majority of customs, we will continue to enterprising, work harder in the area of "reliable technology and affordable".

当然中国政府和人民有足够的信心,励精图治,艰苦奋斗,派出万难,实现我们的雄心壮志。Of course, the Chinese government and people are confident enough to overcome all difficulties and achieve our ambitious goals through our vigorous efforts.

当然,中国政府和中国人民有足够的信心,励精图治,艰苦奋斗,排除万难,实现我们的雄心壮志。Of course, the Chinese Government and people are confident enough to overcome all the difficulties and achieve our ambitious goals through our vigorous efforts.