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直至2011年,李光耀辞去“内阁资政”一职。He resigned as "Minister Mentor" in 2011.

这同资政的观察是完全相符的。This observation is consistent with Mr Lees.

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西奥·比布尔是直言不讳的纳布资政官。Sio Bibble was the outspoken governor of Naboo.

当“内阁资政”舞起胡萝卜和大棒…The "minister mentor" wields a big carrot and a big stick.

皇帝的答复只是下旨设立一个资政院。In reply to it the emperor decreed merely that an advisory council be created.

这里所用的引述就是李资政在对话会上的演讲全文的部份内容。The quote use in this article is extracted from the speech given by SM Lee during the dialogue.

温家宝总理和新加坡国务资政吴作栋共同出席了28日的生态城开工仪式。Premier Wen Jiabao and Singapore Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong attended the 28 eco-city ceremony.

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张先生提到李资政在庆祝75岁大寿时发布该书,难道还要考虑别人输了股票心情不好吗!In his commentary, Zhang Muqin mentioned that SM Lee chose his 75th birthday to launch his memoirs.

除了担任资政官,西奥·比布尔还是纳布王家资政委员会主席。In addition to his position as governor, Sio Bibble was the chair of the Naboo Royal Advisory Council.

同时辞职的还有吴作栋,他在李光耀后继任总理,目前为国务资政。Also resigning was Goh Chok Tong, who succeeded Lee as prime minister and recently served as a senior minister.

但是,李光耀并没有优雅地退居幕后,从1990开始,他仍然是内阁资政。Rather than gracefully slipping into the background, however, he remained in the cabinet after 1990 as Senior Minister.

我再引述了一个例子,内阁资政李光耀先生在85岁时仍然巨细靡遗和保持好奇心。I quoted another example of how Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew at 85 is still very engaged in detail and still very curious.

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今天温将会见新加坡总统纳丹,资深部长吴作栋,内阁资政李光耀。Wen will meet with Singaporean President S. R. Nathan, Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew today.

2002年4月26日,正在新加坡进行正式访问的中国国家副主席胡锦涛会见了新加坡内阁资政李光耀。On April 26, 2002, Vice President Hu Jintao, on an official visit to Singapore, met with Singaporean Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew.

上周六在新德里,新加坡国务资政吴作栋提出了一个把美国和俄罗斯加起去的“10+8”模式。On Saturday in New Delhi, Singapore's Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong, proposed a 'plus eight' model to include the U. S. and Russia.

2011年4月18日,国务院总理温家宝在人民大会堂会见新加坡国务资政吴作栋。On April 18, 2011, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao met with visiting Singapore's Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong at the Great Hall of the People.

试想,以李资政的地位和威望,在伦敦尚且受到公共医院的“怠慢”,换成是一个普通新加坡人,结果又会是如何?Just imagine, even Mr Lee, given his status and prestige, was "neglected" at a public hospital in London. What would happen to an ordinary Singaporean?

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这就是新加坡已退休的国务资政贾古玛关于南中国海领土要求和反诉情况的描述。That is how Singapore'sretired senior minister S Jayakumar described the situation over theterritorial claims and counter claims in the South China Sea

访问期间,胡锦涛将与纳丹总统举行会谈,分别会见李显龙总理、李光耀内阁资政等。During his visit, Hu will hold talks with Singaporean President S. R. Nathan and meet with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew.

李资政虽然年事已高,但所角逐的丹戎巴葛集选区是他超过半个世纪的地盘。Although Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew has been in politics for so many years, the only electoral ward he has contested for the past 50 years is Tanjong Pagar.