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谁把寒冷的王子,赶下紫荆宫的宝座?The prince, who put cold out of the palace next bauhinia throne?

金紫荆广场面向海,也就是维多利亚港。Golden Bauhinia Square for the sea, which is the Victoria Harbor.

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现批准该幼童军获金紫荆奖章。I hereby approve the said Cub Scout for The Golden Bauhinia Award.

我还希望,一旦感染,它使“铜紫荆星章的公告牌系统”。I also wanted, once contracted, it gives "BBS" for Bulletin Board System.

陈氏于2006年获香港特别行政区政府颁赠金紫荆星章。Mr. Chan received the Gold Bauhinia Star from the Hong Kong Government in 2006.

1998年王氏获香港特区政府金紫荆星章。Mr. Wong received the Gold Bauhinia Star from the Hong Kong Government in 1998.

今年32岁的男性病人之前和之后切除左额叶大紫荆勋贤。For a 32 year old male patient before and after resection of a left frontal lobe GBM.

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此外,位于湾仔海旁的金紫荆广场已成为香港自助游的重要景点。Besides, Golden Bauhinia Square has turned to a must for independent travel in Hong Kong.

独特的紫荆造型面板设计,突显浴室个性魅力。The peculiar redbud shaping panel design highlights the charm of the custom-fit bathroom.

目的研究紫荆泽兰挥发油的化学成分。Objective To investigate the chemical constituents of essential oil in Eupatorium adenophorum.

罗康瑞先生,金紫荆星章,太平绅士,自2004年2月瑞安房地产创立以来,一直担任该公司主席兼行政总裁。Mr. Vincent Lo, GBS, JP, has served as the Chairman and CEO of Shui On Land since February 2004.

结论紫荆泽兰挥发油的主要化学成分为萜类化合物。Conclusion The major chemical constituents of essential oil in Eupatorium adenophorum are terpenes.

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我用长时间「捕光」的方法,在金紫荆广场偷取了游人的闪光。I used long-time exposure to 'steal' the flash light of the travelers at the Golden Bauhinia Square.

确定我们知道,谷歌是技嘉国王,并为它的每一项服务的存储空间金紫荆星章。Ok we know that Google is the Gigabyte king and provides GBs of storage space for each of its services.

与金鹰体操队,天虹舞蹈组,紫荆鼓笛队及众工作人员合照。Group photo with Golden Eagle Gymnastic Team, Rainbow Dance Group, Bauhinia Drum and Fife Corp as well as all helpers.

另外,运动员还游览了金紫荆广场、星光大道、青马大桥等。In addition, the athletes also toured the Golden Bauhinia Square, the Avenue of Stars , the Tsing Ma Bridge, and so on.

紫荆叶枯病的发生发展严重影响城市公园和绿化景区紫荆的观赏性和绿化效果。Occurrence and development of Cercis chinensis leaf blight disease reduce the value of Cercis chinensis for appreciation.

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他于一九九八年获特区政府颁授金紫荆星章,零五年获法国政府颁授艺术与文学骑士勋章。He was awarded the Gold Bauhinia Star in 1998 and named Chevalier des Arts et Lettres by the French government in 2005. Dr.

金紫荆广场的中国国旗和香港区旗,以下半旗方式向四川大地震死难者致哀。Flags of PRC and HKSAR in Golden Bauhinia Square flying at half-staff for mourning victims killed in the Sichuan Earthquake.

身为清华大学工程物理系的大四学生,李杰从进入大学以来一直作为“紫荆志愿者”从事各种志愿服务。Li Jie, a senior student of Engineering Physics at Tsinghua University, has been an active volunteer since his freshman days.