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北京故宫博物院馆藏珍品。Beijing Palace Museum collection treasures.

1958年,“希望之星”被捐给了美国史密森尼博物院。The Hope Diamond was donated to the Smithsonian in 1958.

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景山公园坐落在故宫博物院的正北。Jingshan Park lies right to the north of the Palace Museum.

现在他们就在国立故宫博物院,那儿是我唯一的家。Now they're in the National Palace Museum. That's my only home.

故宫博物院最好改名为‘无耻博物院’。It would be better to change the name to the 'Shameless Museum'.

台北故宫博物院藏有一件类似印玺。A seal of similar design is in the National Palace Museum in Taipei.

史密森博物院还包括世界著名的艺术馆。The Smithsonian Institution also includes the world-famous galleries.

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我们所有的人都去了故宫博物院,在那儿参观了钟表馆。All of us went to the Palace Museum, where we visited the clock section.

您赞成国立故宫博物院选择在嘉义设“故宫南院-亚洲艺术文化博物馆”吗?。The National Palace Museum will set up the NPM South in Jiayi. Do you agree ?

帮助转运文物到重庆的故宫博物院工作人员。Members of the palace museum staff who helped move the artifacts to Chongqing.

庋藏于故宫博物院的明代漆器是国内收藏之最。The Palace Museum has Chinas richest collection of Ming dynasty lacquer wares.

其中涉及到博物院允许旅游团绕过检票口这种做法。The racket involved the practice of allowing tour groups to bypass the ticket lines.

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在这次出行之前,我和这些外国朋友已经去过河南省博物院和黄河风景名胜区。Before this trip, we had been to Henan Province museum and visited Huanghe scenic area.

故宫博物院中国文物的收藏量之多,是世界上数一数二的。NO01,2. The National Palace Museum has one of the world's largest collections of Chinese art.

这是一张已证实是照北京故宫博物院中原画仿制的画。This is a painting that proved to be copied from an original in the Palace Museum in Beijing.

作品原属故宫旧藏,现存于台北故宫博物院。Once displayed in the Forbidden City, it is now in the collection of the Taipei Palace Museum.

“只有一个”博物院,北京故宫博物院的李先生称,因为“这两个本来就是一个”。“There's only one” palace museum, said Mr. Li of the Beijing museum, in that “the two are one.

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同年在广州艺术博物院举办“春华秋实四十年”大型个展。The same year in Guangzhou Art Museum organized "the glorious forty years of large-scale exhibition".

故宫博物院展览部主任,马继革,告诉记者说,他对失窃案感到非常愧疚和抱歉。The museum's deputy director, Ma Jige, told reporters he felt “very guilty and sorry” about the theft.

故宫博物院展览部主任,马继革,告诉记者说,他对失窃案感到非常愧疚和抱歉。The museum’s deputy director, Ma Jige, told reporters he felt “very guilty and sorry” about the theft.