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是磨刀石上镰刀的霍霍声。Thefinest edge is made withtheblunt whetstone.

这是顺利熔岩流帕霍霍知道。This smooth flowing lava is known as pahoehoe.

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小弟闻姊来,磨刀霍霍向猪羊。Younger sister to smell, like pagans sharpening.

帕霍霍熔岩流是非常不稳定,容易流动。Pahoehoe lava flows are highly fluid, flowing easily.

这位丰田公司的美国销售负责人面对了磨刀霍霍、打算追根究底的国会。The head of Toyotas US sales faced a contentious Congress eager for answers.

滑石粉、沙辣果提取物、霍霍巴油、橄榄油、维他命E等。Talcum powder, sand spicy fruit extract, Jojoba oil, olive oil, vitamin E and so on.

甜杏仁油,霍霍巴油和超纯净牛油果混合充分深层护理。Features a soothing blend of sweet almond oil, jojoba oil and ultra pure Shea butter.

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2011年11月6日,巴基斯坦卡拉奇,一名男子正在自己的店外磨刀霍霍。A Pakistani man sharpens a knife at his shop in Karachi, Pakistan, on November 6, 2011.

小弟闻姊来,磨刀霍霍向猪羊。Her brother sharpened his knife to prepare a pig and sheep for the feast in Mulan’s honor.

如果你想避免所有的有害化学物质,不要化妆而且在脸上用霍霍巴油吧。If you want to avoid all those bad chemicals, DO NOT WEAR MAKEUP AND USE JOJOBA OIL ON YOUR FACE.

每天天不亮的时候,村东的小河边就会传来“霍霍”的声音。At every dawn as the day hasn't broken, one can hear the sound of knife sharpening by the river in the village east.

在阿纳萨奇文明的北边,一个单独的文明出现在了亚利桑那州的南部,即霍霍坎文明。Bordering the Anasazi culture in the north, a separate civilization emerged in southern Arizona, called the Hohokam.

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在人类及其文明如此发达的今天,全世界人民对和平的呼唤之声依然为扩军备战的磨刀霍霍之声所掩盖。Today, voices for peace all over the world are still mercilessly drowned out by the sound of swords being sharpened.

当干旱的条件使得运河很难被维护好的时候,霍霍坎文化瓦解了。The hohokam culture disintegrated as they had difficulty maintaining the canals in the dry conditions of the drought.

在黑墙之后,古老血脉的大人们寝食难安,听着他们厨房里的奴隶磨刀霍霍。Behind the Black Wall, lords of ancient blood sleep poorly, listening as their kitchen slaves sharpen their long knives.

分别在这带来了其表面的顶部部分中断月球陨石坑的帕霍霍,露出铁锈色如下。A segment of pahoehoe at Craters of the Moon that has had the top of its surface broken off, revealing a rust color below.

根据国家公园服务,帕霍霍,“一个相对平稳的熔岩,需要从为'夏威夷语,粘稠的名字。According to the National Park service, pahoehoe, "a relatively smooth lava, takes its name from the Hawaiian word for 'ropy."

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民主党的中属于“现实主义”派别的政客们认为,一定要让中国认识到,他们不能泰然自若地在一旁磨刀霍霍。DPJ politicians in the party’s “realist” faction think that China must be made to understand that it cannot rattle its sabre with impunity.

金黄霍霍巴油使用方便,深层渗透,超强保湿,极具滋养功效。JOJOBA OIL GOLDEN GRADEapplies easily, offers deep penetration and significant moisture retention together with high nourishing properties.

由于蜂蜡的专家,我们的自然是用唇膏唇舒缓和保湿杏,鳄梨,霍霍巴和椰子油,以及蜂蜜香味蜂蜡。Experts also wax and balsam of our natural lip soothing and "moisturizing" apricot, avocado, jojoba "and" coconut oil, beeswax and honey flavor.