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请问团费包含保险吗?Does the tour fee included insurance?

已缴交之团费,在任何情况下,将不获退还。Once paid, class fee will not be refunded in any circumstances.

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获取录后,首次团费必须以支票缴付。The first installment of class fee after enrolment must be paid by cheque.

目前,旅行社多提供“零团费”甚至“负团费”香港游业务。The current offerings include free-of-charge tours or even negative-charge tours.

另外,欧洲地区以义大利、跟西班牙团费涨最多。In addition, the costs for traveling to Italy and Spain in Europe have grown the most.

但也有家长称,高达9万8千元的团费使得这样的旅行只有少部分人能够承担。But some parents say the 98,000 yuan price tag makes the trip affordable to only a few.

以上团费不包括香港保安税、保险税、香港及尼泊尔机场税。All about prices are not included of Hong Kong security charge. Hong Kong & Nepal airport tax.

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旅行社可另行向银行购汇支付团费。The travel agency may separately purchase foreign exchanges from the bank to pay the group fee.

旅游“零团费”、“负团费”现象是旅游经济发展过程中的特殊产物。"No charge tour" and "minus fee tour" is a special progeny of the development of the tourism industry.

旅行社接待外联团组入境旅游必须以外汇收取团费,不得收取人民币。Travel agencies should charge fees in foreign exchange rather than RMB when accepting foreign tourist group.

最后,有关游客间不同的生活型态属性,对厂商旅游团费与利润水准的影响亦有探讨。In addition, the tourists' life-style attributes influencing the firm's tour price and profit are also discussed.

零团费旅游是一种非正常的旅游接待模式,目前在海南团队旅游中很流行。Zero fee tour package is a kind of abnormal traveling group reception pattern, but it is prevailing in Hainan at present.

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“打击零团费”,是希望通过市场的整顿为游客提供更有品质的旅游体验。" hit zero fare ", is the hope that through the market in order to provide better quality travel experience for tourists.

然而理论方面对零团费的现象及其治理一直缺少全面的、深入的分析。However, there is not enough lucubration on the analysis of the phenomena of Zero inclusive-fee and eradication measures of it.

银行为扩大商机,遂推出消费者以信用卡支付出国旅游团费或机票费用即享有旅行平安保险保障等活动。In order to promote credit card business, banks encourage card members to pay travel fare or air fare by providing travel insurance.

旅行社组织境内居民自费出境旅游必须以外汇与境外旅行社结算团费。Travel agencies should settle with the foreign travel agencies in foreign exchange when organizing domestic residents travel abroad.

团费以定价当日最低价格的机票、酒店费用及附加费计算,需视供应情况而定及可能有所变动。The package fare is based on the lowest available airfare, hotel charges and surcharges at the time of pricing and is subject to availability and change.

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因此,探讨零团费和负团费产生的原因,剖析其对导游的影响与危害,并提出相应的整治措施具有重要意义。The paper tries to discuss the causes of the "zero and debt fee", analyzes the influence and harm on the tour guide, and presents some controlling measures.

零团费旅游就是一些香港旅行社提供的免费的旅游,而负团费旅游就是旅行社还倒贴钱。Free-of-charge tours refer to the tours offered by some Hongkong tourism instituitions for free. Negative-charge tours are the ones that you pay negative fees.

但对于记者提出这样明显亏本的团费旅行社该如何达到盈利的疑问,两家旅行社的工作人员均闪烁其词。But for the reporter puts forward such obvious at a loss how to achieve cost of travel agency of doubt, two profit of travel agencies working personnel all the straight.