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你能帮我们找平吗?Please, can you help us find Ping?

你也找平你的专业以及。You are also leveling your profession as well.

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对每个人来说都是“找平衡的过程”,杰兹说。"It's a balancing act" for everybody, Jez said.

当两个床层连通时,它们的床面自行找平。When two beds are connected their levels equalize.

比传统方法高公差找平。Screeds to higher tolerances than conventional methods.

而你在外面找平抢占追求每一次当你得到的。While you're out leveling grab a quest each time you get.

路床整形采用刮平机,局部人工配合找平。Road-shaping machine used Guaping, local artificial leveling.

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室内是单色的,仅仅找平地板以粉色突出。The interior is monochrome, and only the screed floor stands out in pink.

我们都很清楚,这种在强国之间找平衡的办法在那时候也不起作用。We know very well that this kind of balance of powers did not work even then.

在铜斑蛇本身不同于一些非常独特的方式,其他激光找平。The CopperHead itself differs from other laser screeds in some very unique ways.

路床整形采用刮平机,局部人工配合找平。The roadbed reshaping uses shaves machine, the partial manual coordination levels.

自动找平装置是滑模式水泥混凝土摊铺机的关键部分。Automatic Leveling Device is a key element for a slip-formed cement concrete paver.

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自动找平装置是滑模式水泥混凝土摊铺机的关键部份。Automatic Leveling Device is the key element for a slip form cement concrete paver.

在基岩上所需要做的全部工作是用少量混凝土或砂浆把表面找平。All that is needed on rock is a little concrete or mortar to make the surface level.

我建议找平锻才将它纳入本条巨大帮助!I suggest leveling Smithing before coming into this section as it will be hugely helpful!

还有现场安装时,泵的找平找正一般以哪个面为基准?The scene have installed, the pump is generally leveling to find the basis of which side?

物理仿真表明了该纵向找平原理的正确性。The correctness of longitudinal leveling principle was demonstrated by physical simulation.

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本文对四履带滑模式水泥混凝土摊铺机自动找平控制系统进行了研究。In this paper, the automatic level control system for four track concrete paver is researched.

熨平的铜斑蛇激光工程作为“大”激光找平相同的基本激光控制系统。The CopperHead Laser Screed works by using the same basic laser control system as the "big" laser screeds.

你们需要一些技巧和经验,自己家房子做找平处理改建工作。You will need some skills and experience in home Do It Yourself House Leveling remodelling to tackle the job.