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我们甚至见缝插针,在旅途中打了一局迷你高尔夫。Somewhere on the trip we even fit in a round of miniature golf.

摩托车可以见缝插针,不受堵车之累。Motorcycles can make use of every bit of space, not bothered by traffic.

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早中期的作品都是油嘴滑舌,投机倒把,见缝插针的类型。In the middle of early works are slippery, speculation and profiteering, TDD type.

现在你还需要填补其他空白,记者填补空白的方法是经常见缝插针。Now you need to fill in the gaps. The way journalists do this is to have regular “slots”.

不论我们有多忙,也总能见缝插针的找到一些零碎的时间来冥想。All of us, no matter how busy, have small gaps in our day that are perfect for meditation.

Paparazzi是指那些见缝插针、永不退缩的摄影记者,他们总是闯进富豪和名流的生活。Paparazzi are aggressive photojournalists who intrude on the lives of the rich and famous.

不管我怎么想方设法见缝插针,简化程序,我总没有足够的时间来完成我的工作。No matter how hard I tried to cut corners, there"s still not enough time for me to finish my work."

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从某种意义上讲,当代是一个不折不扣的偶像时代,见缝插针的偶像广告,渗透、充斥着我们生活中的每一个罅隙。In a sense, the present age is a " idol age", all kinds of idol advertisement are' full of our life.

不管时间安排的多紧,只要你想办法,总是可以见缝插针地做更多的事情.。No matter how full your schedule is, if you try really hard and you can always fit some more things.

在这样的大环境下,非华金融机构想要赚钱,就只能在市场边缘见缝插针。Making money for a non-Chinese financial institution in this environment means working around the edges.

他们几乎把旗下所有业务都见缝插针地搬到了中国。They issue the standard almost all business ground of make use of every bit of time or space moved China.

当球队控球时,他的跑动总是聪明的,在进攻区域,懂得见缝插针。When his team had the ball his movement was always clever and he had decisive penetration in attacking areas.

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每天数以百计的人蜂涌而入,无论地面有多脏,只要能找到都会被见缝插针的挤满。The new arrivals stream in by the hundreds daily and settle on any available patch of dusty earth they can find.

于是,动物们都争相吹嘘自己的美德,还见缝插针地贬低别人的功劳。So the animals came and vied with one another, each boasting about its own virtues and whenever possible belittling the merits of others.

在尖锐湿疣没有来临时,大家就要想好应对的方法,积极的进行预防,不给尖锐湿疣见缝插针的机会。In condyloma acuminatum not coming, we want to deal with the method of prevention, active, not to attack the chance of condyloma acuminatum.

在利比亚人揭竿而起之前,穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲用金钱和见缝插针的外交逢迎,缓缓地获得西方的青睐。Before Libyans rose up against him, Muammar Gaddafi used money, and well-timed diplomatic overtures, to worm his way into the West’s good graces.

从出发到现在我已经在船上度过了三个夜晚,由于只能见缝插针地在船上这里或者那里打个盹,我感觉自己白天的睡眠时间基本上和晚上的一样多。I think I've been out here three nights and so far I've found that Isleep just as much during the day as I do at night, just napping hereand there.

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今年夏天,世界杯足球赛将在德国举行,邻国瑞士见缝插针,专门向那些一想起世界杯就头疼的女人们推出了一个“帅哥计划”。For women bored at the thought of this summer's World Cup soccer finals in Germany, neighbor Switzerland is offering an alternative packed with beefcake.

很少有球员之间的传球和配合,很多投篮要么是外线的投射,要么是一对一进攻中见缝插针的投篮。There was very little player and ball movement, and too many shots came either on balls that moved around the perimeter, or from guys trying to find space going one on one.

因为他要蹲在灶台前烧水,每个人洗完后的脏水还要由他一桶桶地提出去倒掉,所以他只能见缝插针地就着家人用过的水洗。He had to boil water at the oven, throw away the dirty bath water, bucket by bucket, for each family member. So he had to adjust his time to take a quick bath with another's bath water.