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税率应该定多高?How high shall the tax rate be?

但税率大体上还是保持在较低水平。Fundamentally, he left them low.

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我来罗列出一些美国的税率I'm going to give some U.S. tax rates.

现在的股息税税率是多少呢What's the tax rate of dividends today?

统计局每五年修订一次税率。The VOA revises the rates every five years.

政府降低税率以刺激消费。Goverments cut interest rates to spur demand.

他那税率很高的房产成为当地人们的话题。His high-rated property is the talk of the town.

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税率统一,这样各方才有动机。Rate set uniformly, so incentive for game-playing.

烟草商对提高税率非常恼火。Tobacconist is very annoyed about improve tax rates.

我不想将税率硬编码到闭包里。I don't want to hardcode the tax rate into the closure.

所以你可以有激励机制。你可以调整税率。So you can have incentives. You can adjust the tax rate.

马瑟斯认为采用同样的税率长远来讲是很有用的。Mathers thinks a same rate would be help in the long run.

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现在,听着,我们每个人都喜欢低税率。Now, look, we all would love to lower taxes on everybody.

他们佯称自己是主张低税率的党派。They represented themselves as the party of low taxation.

我们能在货物装运到美国时获得优惠税率。We can get preferential duty rates when we ship to U.S.A.

例如,没有看到倾销,税率和其他。Without for example unti dumping, tax rate and other add.

国家根据固定税率对酒征了税。Our nation levied duties at certain fixed rates upon wine.

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话说回来,从这个税率的高低本身来讲,倒也没必要动它。I don't think you need to cut in the sense of you're using.

背景知识,乔治·W·布什增加了财政支出,同时削减了税率。Background, George W. Bush increased spending but cut taxes.

所以收入少的人税率低,So, those who make less income pay a lower percentage of tax,