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高空乘骑。Riding High.

你是一位高空飞行员吗?Are you a high flier?

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鹰盘旋着飞上了高空。The eagle spirals up into the sky.

太阳升上高空照亮了整个大地the sun rises to brighten the land

高空走钢丝巡查电网的机器人High-Wire Robot to Inspect the Grid

阿公,走啦,咱们去高空弹跳!Come on, grandpa, go bungee jumping!

我看见了高空星光点缀的天幕。And in the sky above, her starry backdrop.

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我女朋友喜欢高空跳伞。My girlfriend loves sky-diving every time.

在高空,食物比较难消化。Food is harder to digest at high altitudes.

飞机在三万英尺的高空飞行。The plane flew at an altitude of30000 feet.

大片大片的白云在高空飘过。On high the great white clouds slid swiftly.

如何以广展的翅翼飞过玄虚的高空。Passed on wide pinion through the lofty air.

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据悉,这些牛蛙能跃至三米高空,且长有牙齿。These frogs can jump 12-feet and have tooth.

正义之气直上高空。Straight on the high-altitude air of justice.

这架飞机在三万英尺的高空飞行。The plane flew at an altitude of 30,000 feet.

杂技演员在高空绳索上保持身体平衡。The acrobat balanced himself on the high rope.

高空孤叶,凄凄尽扫。With heavy drops, the leaves high upwards sweep.

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悬挂式滑翔机借着暖气流在高空飞行。Currents of warm air keep the hang-gliders aloft.

我听说有个电工在高空检修电线时摔伤了。I've heard an electrician got hurt when he hiked.

闪电空降兵,在高空跳伞很危险么?Lightning airborne, skydiving is dangerous in it?