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于是众百姓大声欢呼。Then all the people shouted.

我只是个平头百姓。I'm just an ordinary citizen.

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敌人,洁净他的地,救赎他的百姓。And cleanses his people's land.

百姓站在那里观看。And the people stood beholding.

独夫们是凶暴的,但百姓是善良的。Men are cruel but Mper is kind.

接上去,我把我的百姓称为“辛多雷”,血精灵。My people turned to me for answers.

愿你赐福给你的百姓。May your blessing be on your people.

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他同情平民百姓。He sympathizes with the common people.

百姓都要答应说,阿们。Then all the people shall say, "Amen!"

百姓都要说,阿们。" Then all the people shall say, "Amen!"

又或,他是否忿然痛斥百姓一顿?Did he turn on the people and scold them?

于是百姓低头下拜。Then the people bowed down and worshiped.

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这样,百姓便能在他的荫庇下安然歇息。The people would rest safely in his shade.

君王发狂,百姓遭殃。Kings go mad, and the people suffer for it.

君王发狂,英语格言有那些。百姓遭殃。Kings gompost, and the people suffer for it.

虽然哈姆雷特曾经杀死一个克劳迪斯的贵族,但是全国百姓仍然很爱戴他,那就是为什么克劳迪斯不能杀死哈姆雷特的原因。That was why Claudius could not kill Hamlet.

他们是神的百姓,属乎主。They are God's people belonging to the Lord.

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于是百姓低头下拜。And the people bowed the head and worshipped.

楚国的危亡和百姓的痛苦,屈原痛不欲生。Chu people of peril and suffering, pain Yuan.

禁运只会殃及无辜的百姓。The embargo would only hurt innocent civilians.