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所以,1953年,他带着卡顿一起引退了。In 1953, Harman resigned and took Kardon with him.

华盛顿1796年的引退意味着美国人民权力的崛起。Washington's "falling" in 1796 was his people's rising.

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该大学年事已高的创始人决定引退。The aging founder of the university decided to abdicate.

马修因拒绝在意向书上签字,最终在2007年12月31日引退。Mathur refused to sign the LoIs but ultimately retired on December 31, 2007.

蒋回答说,要等外国进行调停的希望完全破灭,他才引退。Chiang answered he would do so when all hope of foreign mediation had vanished.

霍根于1953年赢得美国公开赛和英国公开赛冠军后引退。Hogan came close in 1953 when he collected the US Open and British Open crowns.

奉化有一个自行“引退”但未宣布辞职的总统,想方设法继续打下去。In Fenghwa there was a "retired"but not yet resigned president, intriguing for war.

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加人了三头同盟的李必达没有什么权力,最后只好引退。Lepidus, a general who joined them in a triumvirate, had little power and eventually retired.

泰勒的母亲是一位居住在伦敦的美国女演员,结婚后便引退了。Taylor's mother, an American actress living in London, retired from the stage when she married.

CCTV很快就为大火承担了责任,两名高层官员于三个月后引退。CCTV quickly accepted responsibility for the blaze, and its top official retired three months later.

尽管这一罪行并无证据,西庇阿仍然引退,最后死于流放途中。Though there was no evidence of his guilt, Scipio withdrew from public life and died a virtual exile.

到了60年代末期,奥黛丽与男星梅尔·费勒离婚之后,决定在顶峰时期引退。By the end of the sixties, after her divorce from actor Mel Ferrer, Audrey decided to retire while she was on top.

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有几个引退的将军或是他父亲的老同事认识了他,曾邀请他去看看他们。Some of his father's old generals or old comrades had invited him to go and see them, when they learned about him.

举例来说,一个足球运动员在获得了所有的奖杯与荣誉之后,想引退了。A football player, for example, might decide to retire, having already won every cup and championship in his career.

据说蒋介石曾于一九四八年十二月就他是否应当引退的问题征求其驻美代表的意见。In December 1948, Chiang is reported to have asked his representatives in the United States whether he should resign.

塞纳留斯和暗夜精灵们由于不知道外面卡利姆多大陆发生的事情,他们并没有从引退中走出并加以干预此事。Yet Cenarius and the night elves did not emerge from their seclusion, for they knew nothing of any events that occurred outside Kalimdor.

在通常情况下,她还能忍受她那拥挤寒伧的家庭生活,引退到她自己的世界里去,而不去管那些令人不快的事情。Generally she accepted the family life in all its crowded inadequacy, withdrawn into a world of her own and ignoring the unpleasant aspects.

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塞纳留斯和暗夜精灵们由于不知道外面卡利姆多大陆发生的事情,他们并没有从引退中走出并加以干预此事。Cenarius and the night elves did not emerge from their seclusion to intervene, for they knew nothing of any events that occurred outside Kalimdor.

自她于1935年初登银幕之日起,原节子第一次受到了严厉的批评,与引退之愿相比,其表达这种欲望的方式受到了更多的指摘。For the first time since her 1935 debut she was severely criticized, not so much for wanting to retire as for the manner in which this desire was presented.

华盛顿在担任两届4年任期的总统后于1796年引退,固定了总统任期有限的理念,因而具有重大意义。Washington's retirement from the presidency in 1796 after two four-year terms in office was important because it cemented the concept of a limited presidency.