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很适合年青的小两口!Suit young young couple very much!

务实的小两口原本打算是去租一套礼服的。The pragmatic bride-to-be initially planned to rent a gown.

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我们提倡所有的小两口都能靠自己的双手构建家园。We think every young couple should set up a home of their own.

这对刚结婚的快乐小两口一直在欧洲旅游。The happy twosome , who got hitched have been traveling in Europe.

尽管如此,小两口偶然也会有小风波的。Yet for all that, occasionally they also will have a storm in a teacup.

小两口现在住在安格尔西岛,那是正是亲王批准的空中和海上救援部驻扎的地方。They are based in Anglesey, where the duke is undertaking air sea rescue duties.

这款拥有超薄水箱和超静音冲洗功能,正是这小两口一直找的。This model, with its slim tank and ultra-quiet flush, was exactly what the couple were looking for.

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真正的婚礼时在三个月后,她的宾客并没有察觉这对小两口已经结过婚了。The 'real' wedding took place three months later, her guests unaware that the couple had already married.

昨天她还去选了一盆草,要我放在屋子里,还有点小两口过日子的感觉,很爱这份甜蜜。Yesterday, she picked a tub of grass and laid to my room, it felt young couple were living, how sweet it is.

小两口和异性知己又有了进一步的开展,冷战开端,并开端分居。Young couple and heterosexual friends have further, the launch of the cold war start and beginning separation.

昨日,小两口开了个电话会议,旨在交流心得,增进感情,促进爱情。Yesterday, the young couple had a teleconference to tell each other what he or she learned from life, love , etc.

一村子人几乎被年兽吃光了,只有一家挂红布帘、穿红衣的新婚小两口平安无事。A village was almost in animal Qiguang, only a link red curtains, wearing a red wedding the couple safely without incident.

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爱情正如做生意,情侣两人各向这份投下自己的感情,期望将来会是幸福美满的小两口生活。Love is a kind of business, in which the couple each put in their shares, from which they wish to see a prosperous enterprise.

这两年的时间,他们小两口,互敬互爱,女儿找到了好的归宿,我们也发自内心的高兴。Two years time, they young couple, mutual respect and mutual love, her daughter found a good end, we have from the heart glad.

我们俩谈话时总是谈起某某小两口故事,人家是多么完美、多么幸福,我就开始不懈地努力、奋斗。We always talk about the story of a young couple, they are so perfect, so happy, I began to make unremitting efforts, struggle.

翻开影楼厚厚的婚纱相册,新人们会发现里面的造型很多都非常贴近生活,有小两口斗嘴、嬉戏到闹等造型。Open studio thick wedding album, new people will find inside shape many are very close to life, a young couple bicker, playing to a shape.

之所以大多数女性认为新的法律不公正,是因为在中国,传统上都是男性或其父母为小两口的家庭买房。A major reason why the new law is regarded as unjust by most women is that in China men, or their parents, traditionally buy the family home.

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茶客们从看上去已经八十好几的老人到带着孩子的小两口,还有各种中年人,什么年纪的都有。People in the tea house were of all ages – some seemingly well into their eighties, others young couples with children, and then everything in between.

真正的婚礼时在三个月后,她的宾客并没有察觉这对小两口已经结过婚了。除了她丈夫没有人知道她的工作是什么。The 'real' wedding took place three months later, her guests unaware that the couple had already married. No one apart from her husband knew about her job.

约6个月之后,在和盖茨小两口一起排队进电影院时,老盖茨再次提起慈善事业的想法。About six months later, standing in a line for a movie with his son and daughter-in-law, Melinda, the elder Mr.Gates again broached the idea of philanthropy.