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它是一个高精尖的东西,每一项工作都是巨大的。It was very sophisticated, everything was great.

这是高精尖计算机导航系统技术哎。It was cutting-edge computer guidance systems technology.

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电脑鬼才们说他们已经利用高精尖技术创造了一个智能网站.Computer wizards say they have used cutting-edge technology to create a clever website.

海洋资源的开发,需要高精尖的技术手段来实现。The development of ocean resources can not be achieved without high-end technical measures.

今天,高精尖的科技使友仁把经典的艺术带给人们,使生活更加美好。Today, the sophisticated technology makes us to bring classic art to people and make life brighter.

目前,很多大学生已经开始转变思想,将目光从“高精尖”的白领职业转而投向传统的服务行业。Now, many students have turned their eyes from white-collar jobs with high payment to traditional service positions.

公司以尖端科技为技术依托,集科研、开发、销售为一体,重金从国外引进了高精尖设备。RICH SOLAR relies much on the cutting-edge technology, and has brought a series of machines and settings from abroad.

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对于经济增长的传输统处方——将廉价劳动力抬高至高精尖的专家的发展模式——恐怕并不再适用于中国了。The original recipe for growth — leveraging low-wage labor to drive high-value export growth — may not work much longer.

公司以柔性石墨线,盘根为基础研发了具有超低硫、抗锈蚀、耐高温、无烧失等特性的高精尖密封产品。Besides, there is also other anticorrosive and heat-resistant products with low sulfur and free of ignition loss offered.

对于环境保护的高精尖技术,进行支持、确认,做得也有欠缺嘛。If we support and affirm the advanced techniques of environmental conservation, then we can apply them without shortcomings.

高精尖的技术人员,领先的科研新成果,现代的基础设备,为您提供优质的科技服务。Advanced technicians, leading new scientific research achievements, modern facilities, provide you with high grade technology service.

本厂将不断引进高精尖设备及技术、不断提高全体员工的技术水平。Factory will continue to introduce highly sophisticated equipment and technology to constantly improve the technical level of all employees.

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Jawbone联合创始人兼首席执行官侯赛因•拉赫曼认为,UP手环吸取了公司各方面的精华——换句话说,这是一个戴在手腕上的高精尖饰品。Jawbone co-founder and CEO Hosain Rahman says the idea combines areas of strength for the company -- namely high-tech gadgets that can be worn.

以高精尖技术为基础,中国农业科学院和拜耳将携手启动多个项目,覆盖植物培育,基因及种子生产等领域。CAAS and Bayer will initiate joint projects using the latest technologies in the areas of plant breeding, genetics, genomics and seed production.

综观全球的跨国公司,无一不拥有雄厚的资本,庞大的规模,高精尖技术的绝对优势和遍布全球的销售网络。Generally speaking, most multinational corporations possess of the abundant capital, giant scale, advanced technology, and worldwide sales network.

要把传授高精尖的专业技能作为能力培养的主线,改进教学方法,探索新的教学模式。Teaching high professional skills should be as the main line. The teaching method should be improved and the new teaching pattern should be explored.

在手机等行业新技术成果的支持下,他们将一些高精尖服务应用到卫生保健、银行业务以及乡村社区等诸多方面。They are using new technologies such as mobile phones to bring sophisticated services, in everything from health care to banking, to rural communities.

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文史哲研究院的中心任务是从事高精尖学术研究和高水平研究生的培养。The central task of the institute of literature, history & philosophy is to engage in advanced academic research and to train high level graduate students.

这些协议的实施需要高精尖的技术支持,这些特性充分表现了美印两国对于建立有效合作军事力量的诚意。The highly technical nature of these deals is a good indication that the two countries are serious about developing an effective combined military capability.

要铲除DRDO的恶习,新德里应该敏捷地在不疏忽制造能力的条件下把印度转变成为一种低本钱的、世界级的高精尖科研中心。To remove DRDO's fault-line, New Delhi should rapidly transform India into a low cost, high end R&D centre of the world without neglecting its manufacturing sector.