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茅塞顿开,回归自然。Has a return to nature.

那真是让人茅塞顿开。That really was illuminating.

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希望某天茅塞顿开这种事也能发生在我身上。If I can, I really want to be a good person.

以下是比较图表,让人既茅塞顿开,也脊背发凉。The chart is below, and it's both an eye-opener and a spine-tingler.

它完全让人茅塞顿开,你觉得呢?It will definitely get people to do a double take. What do you guys think?

在本帖里,我们将展示25个出众的博客设计,希望能让你茅塞顿开。In this post we’ll showcase 25 outstanding blog designs for your own inspiration.

顿时觉得,似乎这个小东西会令我茅塞顿开。It occurred to me that this little creature might have some thoughts on the subject.

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在飞机上,我茅塞顿开,觉得这生意没前途。On the plane, I had a sort of epiphany that this business story wouldn't gonna work.

仅仅了解到了有四种不同的行为习惯就已经让我茅塞顿开。Just learning that there are four distinct patterns of action was a huge Aha! for me.

西勒库斯特说,正是牧师的这一幽默,让他茅塞顿开。Kuester said that it was this humorous response made by the priest that inspired him.

向长辈寻求开导和指引吧,或许你能茅塞顿开。Seek the blessings and guidance of a higher authority and they might just show you the right path.

相信读了这本论文集后,一定会茅塞顿开、受益匪浅。After reading this collected works, people will suddenly see the light and benefited greatly from it.

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我的一个中国朋友在给我解释了一道数学难题,我茅塞顿开。A Chinese friend of mine explained a difficult maths problem to me, and for the first time ever I understood.

我猜他们并没有看到那人,只是我一跑就让他们也顿时茅塞顿开。I guess they didn't see the guy, but when they saw me running they felt like they were snapped out of a trance.

心中某处茅塞顿开,他确信玛丽有外遇了,而且可能已经好几个月了。Something within his mind clicked and he knew without a doubt that Marywas seeing someone and probably had been for months.

在这个茅塞顿开的时刻,她看着这种事情,觉得不管对方的动机是善意还是恶意的,这种行为都无异于犯罪。A kind intention of a cruel intention made the act seem no less a crime as she looked upon it in that brief moment of illumination.

在一些相同的情况下我和我丈夫所表现的不同,这个不同在先前总是让人难以理解,现在突然茅塞顿开了。Differences in how my husband and I approached the same situation, which previously would have been mystifying, suddenly made sense.

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然后我们对美的理解才茅塞顿开,从原始的混沌中被唤醒,迫切地想推翻过去从而达到现在的认识。Then the apprehension of beauty has to come to us with a vigorous blow to awaken our consciousness from its primitive lethargy, and it attains its object by the urgency of the contrast.

“只要你在工作中遭遇到失败,公司机构便会责成你想方设法寻找失败的原因,拿出解决问题的方法,当你在寻找解决问题的方法的时候,你便会以一个全新思路对待手头上的问题,这一全新思路,会使你的茅塞顿开,境界更加开阔,”赛教授说。"Whenever you have a failure it causes a company to search for solutions and when you search for solutions it puts you as an executive in a different mindset, a more open mindset, " said Prof Desai.