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约翰正努力打满小满贯。John 's work on a small slam.

约翰正努力打满小满贯。John's working on a small slam.

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南要打成小满贯仍缺少一墩。South will still be one trick short of the slam.

固然不会像小满那样仔细体恤地照顾,却也勉强算是合格的饲主。Is not like XiaoMan comforters care so carefully, but barely qualify dog owners.

小满表示在夏季成熟的农作物籽粒开始饱满了。The Grain Budding shows that crops that will ripen in summer start to show plump seeds.

小满发现干草堆中有片碎片,几经艰辛以碎片锯断绳索。With pieces in grain full found haycock, several pieces of hard to cut through the rope.

然则在转移物资之前,还有更主要的事,那就是和秦天罡、小满。But before the transfer of goods, there is a major thing, that is and qin plough, grain full.

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知秋打好水给小满洗脸,还帮她做妥家务,要带她到郊外游玩。Knows a good water washing grain full, also help her do housework, to take her to play outside.

小满和夏美如今只需一有时间,就相约去漫画屋看漫画。XiaoMan and summer beauty now just a have time, mutually invite to comic house watching cartoons.

“小满”过后,经过进而呵护与酝酿,必将迎来金灿灿的收获。I believe after Grain Fills and having further care and cumulating, the gold harvest will come soon.

今晚午夜稍迟一些时候小满月悬挂在东南地平线上。The full-looking waning gibbous moon rises over your southeastern horizon at mid to late evening tonight.

小满精神恍惚,更在剪菜时受伤,司马丑以变戏法安慰她。Grain full spirit trance, more were injured while trying to cut food, syma ugly to conjure to comfort her.

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没多久信介跑来看病,和夏美聊天,夏美才晓得小满误解了。Before long letters, and summer running interface see beauty chat, summer beauty just knew XiaoMan misunderstood.

知秋和小满闲谈,指除对映霞感激外,还在一事曾经亏欠过一只小龟。Autumn and grain full gossip, refers to in addition to the antipodal xia grateful, also in ever owe a small turtle.

知秋和小满到湖畔酒楼吃饭,还拿出巨型煎堆当作月光,伴他们吃饭。Knows and grain full to lake restaurant for dinner, but also took a giant frying heap as moonlight, eats with them.

于是夏美把这件事情通知小满,小满却发现本人曾经失去了再次告白的勇气,并拜托夏美帮本人。So take this summer beauty informed XiaoMan, XiaoMan found himself once lost again the courage, and please confession.

结果变成夏美和信介两人对话,小满在中间基本完整插不上嘴。The results into summer beauty and believe in XiaoMan interface between two dialogue, not interrupt the basic full lips.

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秦天罡保护队员撤离,引开三浦,二丫在撤离时,发现被埋在土石下,岌岌可危的小满。Qin plough to protect players leave, away miura, two ya in evacuation, found buried under the stone, grain full in jeopardy.

小满把本人告白胜利的事情通知了夏美,夏美才发现本人的心情其实很复杂。XiaoMan put himself informed the confession victory summer beauty, summer beauty discovered my mood actually very complicated.

小满一行人去联谊,却发现英治找来的两个男人都十分糟糕,为此小满相当不快乐。XiaoMan line of people to fellowship and found the British hong seek to two men are very bad, therefore XiaoMan is very unhappy.