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这块手绢是正方形的。This hankerchief is square.

她丢了一块蓝边手绢。She lost a hand kerchiefedged with blue.

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她丢了一块镶蓝边的手绢。She lost a handkerchief edged with blue.

我丢了一块带蓝边的白手绢。I lost a white handkerchief with a blue border.

你需要手绢,肥皂和指甲刀。You need handkerchiefs, soap and a nail clipper.

把手绢收起来——别在我跟前一把鼻涕一把泪的。Put your handkerchief away--don't snivel before me.

小手绢,四方方,蒙上脸,捉迷藏。Small handkerchief, four square, a veil, hide and seek.

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女演员用手绢擦去眼泪。The actress wiped her tears away with her handkerchief.

她正在火车上朝她的朋友们挥动一条白色的手绢。She is waving a white handkerchief to her friends on the train.

上个月我们卖出4000打这种规格的手绢。We sold 4,000doz. Handkerchiefs of this description last month.

一条手绢使用过30秒之后,携带细菌数超过15000个。After 30 seconds of use, a handkerchief may contain 15,000 germs.

她在火车的窗口挥动着手绢道别。She fluttered her handkerchief from the train window as a goodbye.

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汤姆没有手绢,他鄙视那些有手绢的孩子们,把他们看作是故作姿态的势利小人。Tom had no handkerchief, and he looked upon boys who had as snobs.

我把那针拔下来,用我的手绢捂住她流血的地方。I pulled the hatpin out and held my handkerchief over the bleeding.

牧师掏出手绢,响亮地擤鼻涕。The minister took out his handkerchief and blew his nose sonorously.

我正浏览着商品,突然一个家伙把手绢捂在了我的鼻子上。While I was looking at things a guy pressed a handkerchief on my nose.

她掏出细亚麻手绢,揩丈夫的西装背心。And taking out her cambric handkerchief she wiped her husband's waistcoat.

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然后他拿一块有红方格子的手绢擦着额头。Then he mopped his forehead with a handkerchief decorated with red squares.

睛雯拿了手绢到潇湘馆时,黛玉已睡下了。When Ch'in-wen took the handkerchiefs to Bamboo Lodge, Tai-yu had gone to bed.

“看着柴油机冒着黑烟开走的日子终于结束了,”布恩说,“我们开车驶过乡村,我拿出手绢擦拭排气管的内部。"The days of seeing a diesel pull away and pour out smoke are over," says Boon.