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第八海豹突击队。深入敌后。Seal. Team. Eight. Behind. Enemy.

突击队需要半小时来解除这些雷。They will need a half-hour to disarm them.

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共产中国海豹突击队是新的神风特工队啊!The communist Chines SEAL's are the new Kamikaze.

它是海豹突击队在巡逻时主要使用的重型武器。It is the primary "heavy" gun carried by SEALs on patrol.

你是一个突击队在深处的中东部的沙漠地区。You're a commando in the depths of mid-east desert territory.

王富贵和王文渊重建黑狐突击队。Black fox commandos Wang Fu guests wen-yuan wang reconstruction.

此类攻击后,北朝鲜突击队预计不会有人活着。North Korean commandos are not expected to survive such attacks.

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反恐组突击队发现了迪沙佛和其他拘留所工作人员的尸体。The CTU commandos find the bodies of DeSalvo and the facility workers.

马卡伊侄女尼娜·克罗斯兰德称,海军海豹突击队无法挽救她的姑妈。Markay niece Nina Cross Lander said the Navy SEALs can not save her aunt.

突击队冲进了恐怖分子劫持人质的几家豪华酒店。Commandos stormed luxury hotels where terrorists had taken guests hostage.

突击队和空降部队在被占领的桥梁附近汇合。Commando force joined up with the airborne troops near the captured bridge.

突击队的特点就是突击、攻坚,迅速进入、袭击、踢开房门。Ranger forces are the classic go, assault, kick in the door kinds of forces.

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据美国官方说,阿玛勒·萨达在反击海豹突击队时被击中腿部。Amal al-Sada was shot in the leg as she rushed the Navy Seals, according to U.

在新中国成立以来历次重大抢险救灾中,中国军队都发挥了骨干和突击队作用。Chinese military has been the backbone and vanguard in past relief operations.

拉米雷斯上尉率领的突击队从他们的右翼开火。The assault element, led by Captain Ramirez, opened up from their right flank.

突击队和空降部队在被占领的桥梁附近汇合。The Commando force joined up with the airborne troops near the captured bridge.

在被占领的大桥附近,突击队和空降部队汇合了。The commando force joined up with the airborne troops near the captured bridge.

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第14步兵旅是共和国突击队欧米伽小队在Haurgab执行任务时遇到的第一支部队。The 14th was first encountered by Omega Squad during their deployment to Haurgab.

临时甩开疯狗一样的三浦宪兵队,图丽娅带着突击队往山上去。Temporary off mad dog miura gendarmerie, lea with commandos to go to the mountain.

斯科尔泽内收集突击队的武器,斯特恩机枪和炸药,而且他非常喜欢这些。He collected captured commando weapons, silenced Sten Guns, explosives and the like.