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用胡萝卜雕刻而成的金莲花。Globeflowers made of carrot.

即使我看到了一株旱金莲也不认得。I wouldn't know a nasturtium if I saw one.

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潘金莲是一个有争议的女性形象。Pan Jinlian is a controversial literary heroine.

今日的澳门好似一朵金莲嫣然绽放。Macao today is like a blooming golden lotus flower.

霜降开始的时候,旱金莲会挣扎着长,它们开花的速度放慢了。Once the frosts start, the nasturtiums will struggle.

八月、九月和十月,旱金莲当家。For August, September and October, nasturtiums are the thing.

当她落在旱金莲花上时,他用爪子把她打死了。He knocked her with his paw when she came to the nasturtiums.

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越说越复杂,我和金莲说好了。Talking becomes more complex. I have talked well with Jinlian.

于是,从此以后,武大郎与潘金莲就幸福快乐地生活在一起了。And so Donald Lee and Beverly Pan live their lives happily ever after.

目的制定金莲花分散片的质量标准。AIM To establish the quality standard of Jinlianhua dispersible tablets.

我曾经教她读书,做针线,种植旱金莲。Once, I had taught her how to read, how to sew, how to plant nasturtiums.

金莲表示痛恨守业毁了她的人生,没脸面对天明和孩子们。Jinlian tells him she has hated him for this as he has destroyed her life.

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潘金莲是中国知名度最高的典型形象之一。Pan Jinlian is one of the most well-known typical images in Chinese Literature.

每个男人心底都藏着个陈世美,即如每个女人心底都有一个潘金莲。Hearts are hidden in every man a Chen Shimei, just as every woman has a heart Pan.

那边有片草地长满了金莲花,我们一起散步好吗?There is a field of grass full of Golden lotuses over there, shall we take a walk together?

蒙纳与杰克在金莲花餐馆用餐,餐馆女服务员琴请他们过目菜单并且记下他们的点菜。Mona and Jack are at the Golden Lotus Restaurant. Jean gives them a menu and takes their orders.

金莲花是很有价值的植物抗菌药,对金莲花属植物进行药物开发前景广阔。Flos Trolli is a kind of valuable phy-togeniantimicrobial agent with wide antimicrobial spectrum.

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简短的戏剧就把潘金莲反抗、委屈、追求、沉沦的一生全部呈现了。Short drama put Pan Jinlian resistance, grievances, pursue, degradation of the lifetime presents.

对与潘金莲,甘婷婷也有自己的理解,认为她的一生都是一个悲剧。With Pan Jinlian, Gan Tingting also has its own understanding, thinking that her life is a tragedy.

商家和客户就像西门大官人和金莲妹子,营销就是那传说中的王婆。Merchants and customers, just like Simon and sister Jinlian, marketing is that the legendary Wang Po.