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你自己的榜样就会招来拒绝。By self-example mayst thou be denied.

那种给女权运动招来讥嘲的人。The sort who drew sneers about feminism.

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她的行动招来上司的批评。Her actions drew criticism from her superior.

但是,释永信的成功也为他招来批评。But Shi's successes have also drawn criticism.

但即便这样也会招来负面回应。But even that could have negative repurcussions.

他不期离去必然会招来很多疑问。His abrupt departure is bound to raise questions.

不打诳语,即使实话实说会招来杀身之祸。Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death.

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她招来随从,嘱他将银玫瑰交给奥克塔维伯爵。She summons her page and sends Octavian the silver rose.

前任政府部长可以被招来问话,解释他们的所作所为。Former ministers are called to account for their behavior.

有些悲观主义者认为这只会招来羞辱。Some pessimist think that this can only lead to humiliation.

小男孩打破玻璃窗招来一阵恶骂。The boy's breaking of window glasses caused a hail of abuse.

如果你已功成名就,难免会招来虚假的朋友和真正的敌人。If you are successful, you win false friend and true enemies.

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像这样美丽的小岛会招来多大的房地产市场?!?How much would such an island fetch in the real estate market?!?

亲爱的丽萃,你可别以为我那么软弱,到现在还会招来什么危险。My dear Lizzy, you cannot think me so weak, as to be in danger now?

热火队有得是时间,帕特·莱利的名头一亮,就能招来更好的角色球员。The Heat has time. It has Pat Riley to recruit better role players.

冯老爷子对天街招来洋品牌看不顺眼。Feng Mian Street on the day attracted foreign goods could not comment.

这种恶劣的行径招来整个文明世界的谴责。The vicious act invoked the condemnation from the entire civilized world.

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虽然成功嗲来了赞美,但太多的赞美可能会招来嫉妒和审查。Although success brings praise, too much of it can invite envy and scrutiny.

然而,这一次11岁的玛丽亚似乎会招来更多的争议。This time, though, the 11-year-old may have unleashed a greater controversy.

如果你已功名成就,难免会招来虚假的朋友和真正的敌人,但是不管怎样,还是要力争成功。If you are successful, you will false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway