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她是一位慈母。She is a fond mother.

她是慈母般的老师。She is a motherly teacher.

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她是你的慈母。She is your tender mother.

多么动人的慈母的幻想!Touching illusion of a mother!

好像婴儿安卧慈母怀。As a baby in his mother breast.

她是慈母的典型。She epitomizes a loving mother.

我们全有一个慈母----大地。We all have a mother,--the earth.

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她慈母般地照顾所有年轻的房客。She mothers all her young lodgers.

您很受了些痛苦,可怜的慈母。You have suffered much, poor mother.

格林太太慈母般地关爱走失儿童。Mrs Green mothered the lost children.

芳汀归到这慈母的怀里去了。Fantine was given back to that mother.

它同时汇聚了柔美、孩子气和慈母般的滋味。It is at once childish, feminine and motherly.

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⊙、慈母泪,有化学分析不了的高贵而深沉的爱存在其中。The town, a chemical analysis too high and deep love.

我敢肯定你们中的很多人都明白即将失去严父或慈母的感受。I’m sure many of you know how it is to be losing a parent.

回归大自然,感受到慈母大地的爱。Reunited with Mother Nature. Felt her compassion and love.

其它生活在这个时期的恐龙有慈母龙。Another dinosaur that lived at the same time was Maiasaura.

一只成年慈母龙一天要吃掉约200磅的食物。A grown-up Maiasaura would eat about 200 pounds of food a day.

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这位慈母走很远的路去接水给孩子洗澡。The loving mother walked a long way for water to bathe her baby.

“你第一天过得怎样啊,宝贝?”接待老师如慈母般地问道。"How did your first day go, dear?" the receptionist asked maternally.

那个女孩的慈母之心使她成为照顾孩子们的难得人选。The girl's motherliness made her invaluable in caring for the children.