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他们集资买房。They pooled their money to buy a house.

我为一个集资公司工作。Yeah, I work for a fundraising company.

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法务省准备通过个人集资筹集资金。They are trying by all possible means to raise funds.

并对集资建路提出一些具体建议。Some specific suggestions in the field are also given.

他们正在为赞助这一有益的事业而集资。They are raising a fund in support of this good cause.

好,可是要多少人集资才能让大家都付得起?Sure, but how many people need to chip in to make it affordable?

嗯,我们举办一次美食节为他的学校集资好吗?Mmm, shall we have a food festival to raise money for his school?

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为圣诞节他们集资把这条街装饰一新。They put their money together to glam up the street for Christmas.

她的服务范围包括提供辅导、早期集资和社会联络。As a consultant, she offers mentorship, early financing, and connections.

选择从数以百计的集资和奖励模板空白超大。Select from hundreds of fund-raising and the grand prize a blank template.

和香槟地区的各商家联系,拉赞助,联系打折卡,集资等等。Contact local businesses, and raise fund for CSSA events and discount card.

该机器由20余国集资建造。The machine was built with money from the people of more than 20 countries.

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这种贷款通常是来自于投资款的集资。Such loans usually come frompullspools, or collections, of investment money.

一些学校产生出伟大的集资者,比如“一日国王”或“一日王后”。Some schools come up with great fund, raisers such as "King or Queen for a Day".

分析冢说此次集资是地产行业有史以来的最大的。Analysts say the fundraising will be the biggest ever seen in the property sector.

SEC还确定了有关小企业集资的规定,使这一过程更为容易。The SEC also finalized rules to make it easier for small businesses to raise money.

政治上可行的集资项目多数是为妇女、儿童和青少年而进行的。It’s often more politically viable to fund programs for women and children and youth.

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通过群众集资投劳,一事一议,和争取上级支持。Funds raised through the crowd to vote for, one thing one debate, and for superior support.

我们可以在建筑工程开工之前详细考虑各种筹款集资的措施。We can ponder over the ways and means for raising funds before the construction work starts.

但是即使博蒙特是为慈善集资,他的意图最初还是纯粹的冒险。But while Beaumont raised money for charity, first and foremost his attempt was pure adventure.