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转眼望向加略山。Turn your eyes to Calvary.

转眼之间,大街上就空无一人。In a trice, the street was empty.

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第一幕时光荏苒,转眼25年过去了。Act I Twenty-five years have passed.

但那是转眼即逝的。But that turns an eye to die namely.

你的一生在转眼之间就毁掉了。Whole life blown away in the brink of eye.

岁月如梭,转眼2010年即将成为过去。As time goes by, soon 2010 will be history.

光阴似箭,转眼之间,2015年到了!Time flies so fast. The year of 2015 is coming!

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他挥了一下手,转眼之间,牌又出现了。He waved his hand, and, bingo, the card reappeared.

我对她说我会去看的,可转眼我就把这事给忘了。I told her I would, but I soon forgot about the tree.

转眼,莎莎已经出落成一个漂亮的大姑娘了。Very soon Sha Sha grew up into a beautiful young lady.

美貌是转眼易过的,可是丑陋是永久的。Beauty is easy in the blink of an eye, but ugly is forever.

日月如梭,转眼我已人到中年,而且独身一人。But the years went by and then I was middle-aged and alone.

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你的感情太易割爱,把未来转眼就删改。Your love is too easy to sell, the next instant to deletion.

时光飞逝,转眼又一年。大家新年快乐!Merry X- mas and Happy New Year to you all! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

转眼三个月的试用期即将结束。The trial period came to its end before Ziyan could realize it.

转眼快3年过去了,我要重新确定我未来的方向。With nearly 3 years passing by I have to reorientate my future.

真的,秋天的时间过得好快,转眼就要进入冬季了。Really, fall time flies, the twinkling of an eye to enter the winter.

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转眼之间,奶油面包和腊肠卷就被一扫而光。The cream buns and sausage rolls were polished off in next to no time.

转眼就是五年,龟儿子仍未见踪迹。龟龟爸妈不管了!二老决定开动。After 5 years, the son still didn't appear. The parents decided to eat.

水落在他身上后,阿卡同转眼就变成了一只牡鹿。As soon as the water drops fell on Actaeon, he was changed into a stag.