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那是一种令人神往的情形。It's a beautiful situation.

世界上令人神往的地方比比皆是。The world is full of fascinating places.

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这是一次令人神往的新长征!It is no other than an enchanting new march!

申请好学校是令人神往的。It is desircapable to implement to good schools.

请求好学校是令人神往的。It is desirquhasified for sign up with good schools.

绘图作品的真诚与独特着实令人神往。Genuineness and uniqueness of drawings really attract and fascinate.

或许这就是高度总是令人神往的原因?Perhaps this is the reason of height often firing one's imagination?

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颜色使深色的。口味丰富,神秘的,令人神往的。Dark in its colour, passionate in its taste, mysterious and mind opening.

具有讽刺意味的是,广告甚至自认为是真正令人神往的。Ironically enough, the advertisements even claim themselves to be really fascinating.

质地的丰富和细节的生动令人神往,只恨无缘置身于这些怀旧的场景之中。The rich textures and vivid detail create a longing to be a part of the nostalgic scenes.

如果人们每天都从圣经的指示中获得更多东西,那当然是令人神往的。To be sure, it would be desirable if more people turned to the Bible more often for everyday guidance.

雄伟壮观的鸟巢和魔幻世界般的水立方是多么令人神往啊,这次我终于有机会看看了!The magnificent bird nest and the magic water cube are so enchanting. I finally got a chance to visit them.

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这些未来之星将利用技术变革带来的这些惊人变化,构筑出令人神往的数字媒体天空。These greats-in-the-making will help build on the staggering changes that technological change has wrought.

本周四,米兰作为欧洲冠军的最后表演即将上演,但是欧洲冠军依然是令人神往而且享有盛誉的。On Thursday the final act as European champions will be completed. Final, but always enthralling and prestigious.

剧作家酒馆,离银行的前门75米,曾经是雷曼兄弟投资银行雇员们的聚会之地,显得古雅而令人神往。The Playwright, 75 metres from the bank’s front door, was a time-honoured gathering place for Lehman’s employees.

扬州师范学院座落在瘦西湖畔,出了东门,便是令人神往的大虹桥。By the Slim West Lake stands the Yangzhou Teachers College, whose East Gate leads to the grand Big Rainbow Bridge.

而一个冰天雪地的世界,纯洁的令人神往,却让我无意间看到一座童话般城市的心酸。And a world of ice and snow, pure enchanting dream of, yet I do not want to see a fairy-tale between the city's sad.

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任何时候听到已过时的新工党关于恐怖主义这个话题的说辞都是令人神往的。It is fascinating to hear how old-fashioned New Labour sounds whenever it opens its mouth on the subject of terrorism.

位于江浙两界、太湖流域的江南古镇,有着悠久深厚的历史文化,让人迷醉的水乡风光,令人神往。Located in the Taihu Valley crossing Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, Jiangnan is full of charm and has profound culture.

尤其令人神往,也最令人难忘的,是这里的美景给我们的心灵所带来的震撼。Particularly fascinating, and most unforgettable, is the extent to which the beautiful scenery here has shocked our souls.