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现在换作了器乐。Instrumental now.

我妹妹想当一个器乐演奏家。My younger sister wants to be an instrumentalist.

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我弟弟想当一个器乐家。My younger brother wants to be an instrumentalist.

那乐团有四位器乐家和一位歌手。There are four instrumentalists and one singer in the group.

在巴罗克时期,人们重新对器乐产生了兴趣。The baroque age brought a new interest in instrumental music.

分为声乐和器乐两大部门。Vocal and instrumental music is divided into two departments.

我要把“50美分”的歌声和皇后乐队的器乐糅合在一起?I'm going to mash up 50 Cent's vocals with Queen's instrumentals?

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此种音乐类型的乐者通常创作器乐音乐。Practitioners of the genre's style typically produce instrumental music.

恩雅生于1961年,是爱尔兰著名歌者,器乐演奏者以及作曲家。Enya, born 17 May 1961, is an Irish vocalist, instrumentalist and composer.

施梅尔泽,拜伯,马菲特和其他当代音乐家的器乐。The Instrumental Music of Schmeltzer, Biber, Muffat and their Contemporaries.

2007年受邀担任“2007民族器乐大赛古筝组初赛、复赛评委。In 2007, she was invited into the jury of 2007 folk music instrument competition.

最令人欣喜的是没人会想到这是一张包含36首歌曲的纯器乐专辑。The best part is that this is a 36-track instrumental album that nobody expected.

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福州十番是流传于福建省福州附近地区的一种民间器乐合奏形式。Fuzhou Shifan is a kind of instrumental ensemble played by folk music instruments.

保罗。默里亚特的音乐风格常指的是“轻松流行乐”或叫“器乐流行乐”。Paul Mauriat's musical style is often referred to as "easy pop"or"instrumental pop".

河南板头曲是中国传统器乐弦索乐的一种。Henan Bantou is one kind of a traditional Chinese instrumental music of a string cable.

没错,歌剧中是有歌词的,但其他百分之八十的古典乐都是纯器乐Well, yes, with opera of course, but the other eighty percent is purely instrumental music.

他的创作涉及声乐、歌剧、器乐、牧歌等领域。His creations involve vocal music, opera, instrumental music, madrigal and many other fields.

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高曼继续在他的独立器乐乐队弹奏贝司,并为夏季巡演做计划。Goldman continues playing bass in his indie instrumental band and has plans for a summer tour.

20世纪90年代,塔利班政府禁止了器乐和民间音乐的创作。During the 1990s, the Taliban government banned instrumental music and much public music-making.

第三章对傩堂戏唱腔的主要音乐特点及伴奏器乐部分进行分析和讨论。In chapter three, the main characteristics of vocal music and instrumental parts were investigated.