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他是个博学多闻的人。He is a man of wide information.

我们的教授非常博学多闻。Our professor is very scholarly.

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她对政治非常博学多闻。She's really clued up on politics.

咱们的教授非比寻常博学多闻。Our professor is Very abundance scholarly.

我是世界上最博学多闻的人!I'm the most knowledgeable person in the world.

要创造神话,你必须成为一个博学多闻的人。To create a mythology, you have to be an open book.

作为一名新闻记者,必须博学多闻。As a journalist, one must be experienced and knowledgeable.

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他装出一副博学多闻的样子,其实懂得很少。He assumes a well-informed manner but in fact knows very little.

在公开露面的场合,他也不刻意隐瞒他的博学多闻。And in public appearances he doesn't even try to disguise his erudition.

在公开露面的场合,他也不刻意隐瞒他的博学多闻。And in public appearances he does not even try to disguise his erudition.

亨廷顿的论断总是很给力,博学多闻,具有说服力。Huntington's arguments were always made with great force, erudition, and persuasiveness.

这个夏季节日源于古代中国一位博学多闻的官员屈原。The origin of this summer festival centers around a scholarly government official named Chu Yuan.

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他博学多闻,从认知科学、到商学,到机率论。He has a polymathic command of subjects ranging fromcognitive science to business to probability theory.

不过,克雷杰夫人博学多闻,她的图书室里收藏了伏尔泰及其他法国大师的全集。But she read widely and well, and her library contained complete sets of Voltaire and other French masters.

我们的历史老师博学多闻,教学颇富创意,是我遇过最棒的老师。Our history teacher is so learned and creative in teaching that I think she is the best teacher I've ever met.

事实上,除了世尊曾明言叫人不要学数学以外,似乎博学多闻还是世尊相当重视的一个项目。Excepting that Buddha affirms his disciples not to learn math, he does emphasize erudition is essential to practice.

无论你是一位博学多闻的美食家,还是一个烹饪新手,你也会被邀请参加首席厨师的比赛中---比赛刚刚开始!Whether you're a gourmet know-it-all or a culinary novice, you're invited into the top chef kitchen-and the competition is just heating up!

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法师13岁那年出家,他也是一位博学多闻的学者,在日本得到博士学位,也在全球各地设立了许多学院。He was born in 1930, and became a monk when he was just 13. An erudite scholar, he obtained a doctorate degree in Japan, and set up academies all over the world.