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他身边没有公关人员替他出谋划策。He has no PR people advising him.

发布一个主题,绝对会有人给你出谋划策的。Post a topic, and someone will definitely help you out.

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不同于贝斯特和加斯科因,他身边一直有人出谋划策。Unlike Best and Gascoigne, he has been shrewdly advised.

请大家帮她出谋划策,让她走出困境吧!Please give her some suggestion and get her out of trouble.

本届会议致力于为中东和平的实现出谋划策。The discussions focused on seeking new ideas for a Middle East peace.

他多次为曹操出谋划策,运筹帷幄,时人称其有张良、陈平之才。He has plans to Cao Cao, strategist, when he has called Liang, Chen's only.

同时弗洛伦斯将在今后的四十多年里继续为医院的规划出谋划策。And Florence would continue to advise on hospital plans for over forty years.

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他手下有一位掌管文书事务的官员,也同样贪赃,经常为王鲁的行为出谋划策。One of his secretaries was equally corrupt, and often schemed for Wang Lu's deeds.

警匪追击节目改为现场直播,你可以打电话给警察出谋划策。COPS" would be broadcast live, and you could phone in advice to the pursuing cops."

苏少卿为程云发出谋划策说让他多叫一辆救护车护送伤员。Shao-qing su for cloud hair advise said let him call an ambulance to escort the injured.

在刚刚过去的情人节里,一名男子花500元购买了她的一整天,请她帮忙出谋划策,为他的女朋友挑选一个有新意的情人节礼物。On the recent Valentine's Day, a gentleman spent 500 yuan buying her time for a whole day.

最近Edge.org的好事者举办了一次座谈会,邀请164位思想家对此出谋划策。The good folks at Edge. org organized a symposium, and 164 thinkers contributed suggestions.

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维护一组讨论组,并就如何组织讨论组出谋划策。Count on maintaining a set of discussion groups, and put some thought into their organization.

赛前奥尼尔对韦德面授机宜,为这位全明星后卫出谋划策。O'Neal pulled Wade aside for a pregame chat, delivering another pregame message to the star guard.

假如玛丽了解“火星人和金星人”的故事,当汤姆遇到困难时,她决不会贸然行事,出谋划策。After hearing about Martians and Venusians, Mary learned how to support Tom at such difficult times.

我知道你不爱出谋划策,但你对怎么应付困难时期有什么想法呢?Q. I know you don't like to give advice, but do you have any general thoughts on how to cope with hard times?

多年来我一直担当企业顾问,为坎贝尔和马尔斯的这样的知名公司出谋划策,献策献计。I've been a corporate consultant for years, brainstorming ideas for top companies such as Campbell's and Mars.

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沃尔沃的总部仍然在哥登堡,一个阵容强大的董事会将为公司出谋划策。Volvo will continue to be headquartered in Gothenburg and a strong-looking board will set the firm’s strategy.

他运筹帷幄、出谋划策,对于起义军的发展和最终推翻明王朝起了重要作用。Song Xian-ce gave counsel and played an important role with a mastermind in the war of overturning Ming Dynasty.

丈夫帮她出谋划策,想出了一些盗窃和敲诈的旁门左道的办法。Her devious husband, aiding and abetting her, thought out new variations on the theme of burglary and blackmailing.