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他倔得像头骡子。He's as stubborn as a mule.

瞧他骑着骡子小跑的神气模样儿!How he trots along on his mule !

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那头骡子的四个掌都掉了。The mule threw all its four shoes.

胡安巴尔德斯用你的名字命名他的骡子.Juan Valdez names his mule after you.

这头老骡子掉到了农民的井里。The mule fell into the farmer's well.

奶奶不舍,黑骡子粗鲁地逼走奶奶!Granny, the black mule out rudely grandma!

骡子是母马和公驴的杂交后代。You must bear the cross of your disability.

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他的脑袋向前伸着,就像一头正在睡觉的骡子。His head hangs forward like a sleeping mule.

骡子是母马和公驴的杂交后代。MULE is a cross between a mare and a donkey.

骡子是雌马和驴的杂交种。A mule is a cross between a mare and a donkey.

在一群夏季影片的骡子里,这是一匹罕见的纯种马。A rare pedigreed entrant in a summer of mules.

要是我有那么多钱,我早就另买一头骡子了。If I had that much money, I'd buy another mule.

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木兰在骡子和车夫中更倾向于选择车夫。Mulan chose by the driver rather than the mule.

晏鼠,骡子,老鼠和麋鹿的数学越来越差。The mole, s, mouse's and moose's math is worse.

那骡子照骆驼的肋部踢了两下。The mule caught the cameltwo kicks in the ribs.

旅客必须徒步或者骑着骡子爬上斜坡。Visitors must climb the slope on foot or by mule.

“不错,先生,”拜伦说,“可是骡子不能传种接代。"Yes, sir, " said Byron, "and mules are sterile. "

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当然,你可以用骡子来耕田,没问题。Sure, you can use a mule to plow a field, it works.

两头骡子驮着包裹长途跋涉。Two mules well-laden with packs were trudging along.

大家可以记住一个很好的例子,那就是骡子。A good example to keep in mind is the idea of a mule.