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他们在午夜踏上了开赴诺曼底的征程。They started off to Normandie at midnight.

中国将派新的采购团开赴欧洲。China to send new purchase teams to Europe.

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1768年七月“奋力号”启程开赴太平洋。In July 1768 the Endeavour set out for the Pacific.

在开赴前线的路上大约有20-30人被地雷干掉了。On our way to the front about 20-30 of us were killed by mines.

他们要把援兵开赴前线,必须走这条公路。That is the only road on which they can bring up reinforcements.

三个营的部队奉命开赴前方,加强防线上的一个薄弱环节。Three battalions were ordered up to strengthen a weak point in the line.

为什么德国军舰开赴所罗门群岛,德国军队奔赴斯威士兰?Why German warships in the Solomon Islands and German troops in Swaziland?

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而玛莎·帕克斯·林德利的丈夫开赴第六骑兵营,两天后,她也加入了。But Martha Parks Lindley joined up just two days after her husband left for the 6th U.S. Cavalry.

该团于1776年五月离开英格兰开赴美国,是围困查尔斯敦部队中的一支。They left England for America in May of 1776 and were part of the force that besieged Charlestown.

已经怀孕的新婚妻子图伊,听到他开赴前线的消息后很焦虑。爱德告诉她不要担心,他会在圣诞节前回到她的身边。His new wife, Tui, is pregnant and distraught, but he tells her not to worry, he'll be home by Christmas.

同年10月,随所在部队开赴东北,投入剿匪、创建根据地的斗争。In October, he followed his army to northeast of China, putting down the banditti and creating a new base.

孪生子中一位开赴实行天外观光,其飞翔速率亲近光速,而他的昆玉留在地球上。Twins in one of space travel, its speed sailing close to the speed of light, and his brother to stay on Earth.

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尤达和伍基人有着深厚的友谊,当这位绝地大师在科洛桑组织特遣队开赴卡西克时,塔弗尔就在他身旁。It was Tarfful who was at Yoda's side on Coruscant as the little Jedi Master organized his task force to Kashyyyk.

阿蒙德同意留下南朝鲜陆战队的一个营以便让美军陆战队的5团和7团尽快开赴咸兴。Almond agreed to the return of one KMC battalion in order to expedite the move of the 5th and 7th Marines to Hamhung.

夜幕降临后,在两辆装甲运兵车的保护下,救火车开赴各街道灭火。After nightfall, fire engines supported by two armoured personnel carriers, moved down the streets putting out the blazes.

所以在前一个月,我就研究好自行车短途路线和目的地,然后开赴洛杉矶,坐在两个车轮上欣赏美景。So last month, armed with padded biking shorts and determination, I went to Los Angeles to take in the sights on two wheels.

上级授予的任务不能完成的军队,驻守之地必然混乱,开赴战场必定打败仗。If the order is not carried out, such troops when in encampment, they will be in turmoil and in battle, they will be defeated.

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哈桑告诉这位名叫帕特莉霞·薇拉的邻居,他即将开赴伊拉克或阿富汗,六个月之后才能回来。Mr. Hasan told the neighbor, Patricia Villa, that he was leaving for Iraq or Afghanistan and would not be back for six months.

一队前圣战战士从东部城市代尔那开赴前线,这是一群饱经风霜,蓄满胡须的老战士。A brigade of former jihadi fighters—tough-looking, full-bearded older men—had come to the front from the eastern city of Derna.

生活得并不宽余的亚瑟一家人得到这笔天降之财自然是喜出望外,于是一家人浩浩荡荡开赴那座古老的宅子。Life was not Kuanyu Arthur family fortune to get this natural heaven is overjoyed, so mighty a people marched that ancient Zhaizi.