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而我最推崇的是函馆。But I like Hakodate.

我是一个极其推崇简约的人。I’m a big fan of simple.

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只推崇这样的美德,容许狂狷。Such virtues only as admit excess.

她比较推崇母乳喂养。She would have preferred to breast-feed.

浩文推崇“用好的创意打造品牌”。Haowen respected "brands with good ideas."

西方文化中更推崇性格外向的人。Western culture seems to favor extroverts.

也难怪老戴要对他们推崇备至了。No wonder Dai canonizes them to the utmost.

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贝弗利的菲利普被推崇为圣人。Philip of Beverley was venerated as a saint.

他在医药界备受推崇。He was well respected in the medical profession.

我对你的推崇可是会让你的简历大为改观呢!My praise of you could really make a difference.

一旦推崇达尔文主义进化论,它会大放异彩。Once you light Darwinian evolution, it takes off.

而且那也是加利福尼亚一直所推崇的。and that's what California's always been based on.

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您认为推崇这些价值观,既是结局也是方法,you,say,it’Standing for those values, s both an end and means.

比起他来,我更加推崇左拉和乔治爱略特。I rate zola and george eliot more highly than he does.

HND项目推崇多样性的评测方式。The HND program advocates diverse forms of assessment.

清凉商务的起源实践了小池所推崇的计划。Theprogenitor of Cool Biz practices what she preaches.

伊斯兰教是个推崇和平、仁善与手足情谊的宗教。Islam is a religion of peace, humanity and brotherhood.

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注意缝隙“推崇真诚的平等和包容。Mind the Gap believes in quality equality and inclusion.

这位小兄弟何以对当今圣上如此推崇?This small brothers why to nowadays angel up adore thus?

它的影响深远,至今还倍受人们的推崇。Its far-reaching impact on people's still much respected.