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不知水深浅,切勿涉河滩。Wade not in unknown water.

尖啸河滩化石场。Screaming Reaches Fossil Field.

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一只河蚌就张开两片硬壳,在河滩上舒服地晒太阳。A clam opened his two shells, basking in the beach.

有人说他们对进入这片河滩的人们收费。Some say that they charge people for entering this beach.

忽然,它看见河滩上那只张着口的大河蚌。Suddenly, it saw the clam lying there with its shell open.

这小岛的河滩就是巴黎最早的城廓,塞纳河就是它最早的沟堑。The strand of that island was its first boundary wall, the Seine its first moat.

没想到他并没有回家,等发现他时,已经死于湘江河滩上。Did not think he did not go home, and so found him, had died on the Xiangjiang River floodplain.

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这时节,我常在河滩和山道看到日本蜥蜴的幼体。I often find juveniles of Japanese five-lined skink on the riverside and the path in the mountain.

出了铁栅栏那就是野外、河流和阳光,河滩很窄,但走过去是可以的,遥远的河岸,巴黎??Beyond the grating was the open air, the river, the daylight, the shore, very narrow but sufficient for escape.

当他们走出那个小庄户院的时候,他们远远地看见一幅蓝格子头巾正在河滩的青杨树林里闪动。Leaving the courtyard, they caught sight of a blue chequered headcloth flashing in the distant grove of poplars.

最后,结合黄河下游夹河滩—高村河段实例,说明了综合法的具体应用。The detailed application of the method is shown by an example of Jiahetan-Gaocun reach of the lower Yellow River.

该石近似雨花石,呈红、黄、白、绿、紫、黑等色,五彩斑斓,散落于玛瑙河滩。The stone River stones, red, yellow, white, green, purple, black and other colors, colorful, scattered in Onyx River.

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在这段河滩上,隔着一段距离的两个人好象在互相注视着,一个在躲着另一个。On that bank, two men, separated by a certain distance, seemed to be watching each other while mutually avoiding each other.

并用该粘土矿对湟中县甘河滩工业废水进行吸附性能研究。And conducts the adsorption performance study with this pottery mine to the Huangzhong County Gansu sandbank industrial waste.

铁灰色的河滩上也有些棋盘般方正的绿麦地,一溜蹲成并排的一串花头巾在麦浪上蠕动。On the iron-grey floodplain were a number of wheat fields as square as chessboards. A string of patterned headcloths bobbed among the row.

正在这时,一个老渔夫从和河滩过,看见鹬蚌相争,没有费多大力气,把它们两个一起抓住,高兴地拿回家了。An old fisherman happened to be walking along the river bank. And without much effort, he captured both the snipe and clam and brought them home.

霍桑并不答话,却把竹竿放在河滩,取出那根连经的铁钩,开始向河中丢掷。The Huo mulberry doesn't answer, but puts bamboo pole in the river pool and take out the connect through of cleek, beginning to pelt in the river.

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本文根据观测结果结合河滩相软土地基特点,提出了河滩相软土填筑期、预压期控制方法。Aiming at the characteristic of alluvial flat soft clay, the methods that control construction and the time of precompression term are put forward.

建筑工人只好动员家中二老,到河滩去摸鹅卵石,然后全家一起把石头锤成葡萄大小的碎石,拿去交差。The construction worker enlisted his elderly parents to scour creek beds and fields for rocks that the family smashed by hand into grape-size stones.

由于村民们在河滩边上种草养牛,种植蔬菜,因当地大部分的食品中充满了污染物。Floodplain areas where cattle were raised, hay grown, and kitchen vegetable gardens tended were saturated—contaminating much of the local food supply.