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我们大多数人是不会享受到这种奇趣的。Most of us will never experence that exotic pleasure.

让我们向您展示由费德里科·奥特罗设计的奇趣茧状挂炉吧。Let us show you interesting Cocoon Fireplace by Federico Otero.

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此外,民间雕刻摆件、根艺制品和檀香扇具也都各有奇趣,精彩纷呈。Moreover, folk carving articles, root artware and sandalwood fans are marvelous, too.

但我们俩都觉得,我们结婚的地方历史悠久而又充满了奇趣。But we both felt we were getting married somewhere which had so much history and atmosphere.

免费参与由香港海洋公园学院举办之「海洋奇趣大典」或「环保海鲜」课程。Free course "Ocean Treasures" or "Sustainable Seafood" provided by Ocean Park Academy – Hong Kong.

这些我们现在看起来有些奇趣精巧的玩意在上个世纪可都是隐秘行动中不可或缺的法宝。In the previous century, technology we may find quaint today was invaluable for covert operations.

在新西兰南部小岛上的皇家信天翁繁殖中心里,两只雌性信天翁通力合作,演绎了共同哺育幼雏的奇趣怪闻。Two female royal albatrosses at a New Zealand breeding colony have successfully incubated a chick.

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但咱们俩都觉得,咱们姻缘的地方古代事件悠久而又充满了奇趣。But we two of them felt we were getting married somewITe which had so abundance history and atmospITe.

奇趣的青蛙外形开瓶器,可以开啤酒、饮料盖、金属罐,为我们的生活增添了不少乐趣!Feature Opener shape of a frog, open beer, beverages covered metal cans, for the life of a lot of fun added.

读他的小说,往往把读者带入一种充满真情与奇趣的艺术世界。Readers are likely to be brought into a world of true feelings and literary peculiarities while reading his novels.

这种方法反常合道,使诗产生奇趣,也被许多古代作家所采用。The way is unusual but reasonable and can make poems witty and humorous, which was adopted by many ancient writers.

日本创造出了不少奇趣产品,比如自拍杆、便当,还有如今的“木制面条”。Japan has created some interesting and innovated products like selfie sticks, Bento lunchboxes and now, wood noodles.

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该公司称其所生产的玩具为“很好的学习工具,而且可作为奇趣礼物送给有幽默感的人”。The company describes its toys as "great learning tools, as well as amusing gifts for anyone with a sense of humour".

杨万里诗歌清新活泼,风趣别致,充满灵动与奇趣,被人称之为“活法”。Yang Wan1is poetry is original, vivid and full of flexibility and interest, which is regarded as "flexible structure".

杨万里诗歌清新活泼,风趣别致,充满灵动与奇趣,被人称之为“活法”。Yang Wanli's poetry is original, vivid and full of flexibility and interest, which is regarded as "flexible structure".

看看这些超酷的极具创意的电话吧,外观各异、奇趣十足,我相信每个人都会找到自己最爱的那一款。Check out these cool creative phones that look like different and very funny, I’m sure that everybody will find one favourite for yourself.

可随意移动,产品不仅是纸巾架,更做为一件奇趣的装饰品美化、点缀你的居室。Are free to move, the product is not only a paper towel holder, but also as a Trolltech decorations beautification, embellishment to your living room.

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这是个榜单爱好者梦寐以求的话题,因为在航空领域有如此之多奇趣而古怪的尝试被载入史册。This topic is a dream for lovers of lists because there are so many hilarious and quirky attempts at flight that have been documented through history.

普普通通的两面镜子相对放置会产生奇趣屋[2]效应,不停地将一个物象来回映射,直至消失于无穷回溯中。Two ordinary mirrors facing each other will create a fun-house hall that ricochets an image back and forth until it vanishes into an infinite regress.

前几次英语主题活动,很多主讲人带我们游历了世界各国,分享他们精彩奇趣的异国游经历。In recent sessions at our club, presenters spoke of their amazing journeys around the world, and shared all that they experienced in Europe or in East Asia.