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停留在世界边缘,与之惜别。Stay on the edge of the world, and goodbye.

惜别伤离方寸乱,忘了临行,酒盏深和浅。Farewell to the wound leave way, forget her, gin deep and shallow.

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最后他们除了一个之外全都答应要去参加他的惜别宴会。Eventually, all but one of them promised to come to his leaving party.

爱情是诗歌中一个永恒的主题,惜别诗则是爱情诗的重要组成部分。The poems that describe lovers separation are an important part in love poems.

同湖南卫视的朋友惜别。我们都很珍惜这次难忘的经历。We two and one of the director of the TV station. We cherish the experience so much.

此时此刻,充盈在我们心间的,既有师生之情,又有惜别之意,更有“青出于蓝而胜于蓝”的骄傲和自豪。At this very moment I'm sure all teachers are feeling a strong sense of pride but also loss.

几天过去了,羊母子流泪惜别的情景总不时出现在赵老板的眼前,让他心里难安。The scene of the crying mother and son kept appearing in Mr. Chao's mind, and he could not feel at ease.

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我试着让葬礼感觉更加舒服——看上去更像一个温馨的惜别会而并非生离死别。I`m trying to make funerals feel more comfortable – more like cozy farewell parties than the ultimate good-bye.

爱情是诗歌中一个永恒的主题,惜别诗则是爱情诗的重要组成部分。Love is an eternal subject in poems. The poems that describe lovers' separation are an important part in love poems.

然而某些人也许多少有点感触。任何惜别的埸合,都难免引起离愁别绪。容我稍后再细说。But here and there, perhaps there will be a touch of personal sadness as is true of any departure, a point to which I shall return.

如今又要送朋友去远游,一片片茂密的芳草,也满怀惜别的深情。Today, I once again see off a friend on a distant journey. Every blade of the perfumed grass is pregnant with the sorrow of parting.

最后师生合唱「友谊万岁」和握手惜别,「毕业礼赞」在一片温馨感人的气氛下圆满结束。Students and teachers shook hands to bid each other farewell and the Service concluded with the emotional singing of "Auld Lang Syne ".

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在日本留学期间他与日军高官的女儿大岛由美相爱,九一八事变爆发,两人只得惜别。Studying in Japan during his big island by beautiful love with the daughter of the Japanese senior officials, the 918 incident, two people had to be strong.

在惜别宴上,莫妮卡与马林斯基的一名芭蕾女伶跳了一支华尔兹,并被献上红萝卜蛋糕、一条围兜与一块头巾等退休礼物。At her farewell party, Monika danced a waltz with one of the Mariinsky's ballerinas and was presented with retirement gifts of carrot cake, a pinafore and a kerchief.