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但,成本加成法在美国会计准则中未被允许使用。The cost-plus margin is not allowed under GAAP.

我想请人把这份文件翻译成法语。I'd like to have this document translated into French.

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散文翻译成法文,从诗的托马斯莫尔。Translated into French prose from a poem by Thomas Moore.

在国际会计准则中,这一替代性的常用价格方法是成本加成法。The alternative approach, under IFRS, is the cost-plus margin, says Collemi.

最后整形成法棍状,整形方法看这里,盖保鲜膜,最后发酵23度30分钟。Final shaping. Cover with plastic warp and final fermentation at 23℃ for 30mins.

叙述了“加成法”的原理、操作程序。Based on the addition process, its principle and operating procedures are disscussed.

假冒成法国酒,而事实上此酒来自共同市场以外的地方。He tried to pass off the wine as french, when in fact it come from outside the common market.

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用展成法加工各种共轭曲面具有诸多优点。齿廓为矩形的花键轴可用展成法加工。There are many advantages to make every conjugate curve surfaces by using gear generating method.

目前,在药物合成中绝大部分的1,2,3-三氮唑的合成方法一直沿用1,3-偶极环加成法。Unfortunately, in contrast with 1,2,4-triazole, 1,2,3-triazole has only a few ways to be prepared.

走出成法,告别陈规,这是学习艺术的必经之路。Shuffle off normal practices and say goodbye to stereotypes, which is the only way to art learning.

它由创成法CAPP系统、NC自动鳊程系统和它们之间的接口等主要部分组成。The system is made up of a generative CAPP and NC auto-programming system and the interface between them.

对用厚膜烧成法在PTCR半导瓷上制备镍电极进行了研究。Preparing the nickel electrode on PTCR semiconductive ceramics by thick-film firing method were researched.

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本文讨论了用展成法加工非圆孔的原理,以加工等厚形三面孔为例,介绍了插刀设计与刃磨方法。Taking equidistant 3-profile hole as an example, the method of designing and grinding tool is intro- duced.

散文形式结构无成法,没有固定的格式和现成的套路,追求一种自然之美。Prose form structure into law, there is no fixed format and out-of-the-art, the pursuit of a natural beauty.

只要有一点想象力,你就很容易把这里想象成法国布列塔尼或诺曼底的海滨胜地。With a touch of imagination, it is easy to be transplanted to a sleepy seaside resort in Brittany or Normandy.

使在滚齿机上用展成法加工圆锥直齿轮成为现实。As a result, the machining of straight bevel gear on a gear-hobbing machine using expansion method is realized.

因为有些人发现当把“黑洞”这个词汇翻译成法语或俄语时,有淫秽的含义。This is because some people found the term “black hole” obscene when translated into French or Russian, for example.

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将基于实例的推理和专家系统创成法相结合,构造了一个实用的综合工艺路线决策方法。An approach of process sequence planning by merging case-based reasoning and expert system is presented in this paper.

方法采用粉末烧成法工艺和正交试验优化设计的试验手段。The approach was to use the blast-furnace slag and the experimental method of orthogonality experiment optimal design.

目前,在药物合成中绝大部分的1,2,3-三氮唑的合成方法一直沿用1,3-偶极环加成法。In most cases, 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of azides with acetylenes is the only way to synthesize substituted 1,2,3-triazoles.