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晶圆厂的所有权是关键。Ownership of the fab is the key.

所有权,因此,今天是伟大的一天。Allright, so today is the big day.

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与所有权来剥夺。With ownership comes dispossession.

那么,什么是“所有权”?What, then, constitutes “ownership”?

他放弃了对所有权的要求。He relinquished his claim to the land.

所有权和管理权相分离。Separation of ownership and management.

贷款后,来到了部分所有权。After the loans came the part-ownership.

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他是财产的法定所有权人。He is the de jure owner of the property.

他是财产的注定所有权人。He is the de jure owner of the property.

他们剥夺了国王的所有权力。They divested the king of all his power.

服务对企业数据的所有权。Ownership of enterprise data by services.

每人对他自己的人身享有一种所有权。Every man has a property in his own person.

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投资组合及其内容的所有权。Ownership of portfolios and their contents.

杰克拥有一艘大型远洋轮的部分所有权。Jake had a share in a large, seagoing vessel.

也就是说,君主并不享有对国家的所有权。Rather, the sovereign does not own the state.

美国汽车工会所有权委员会有超过二百个活跃志愿者。The AAWOC has more than 200 active volunteers.

这些其实和'人拥有对自己的所有权'无涉。Without embracing the idea of self-possession.

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HBO能这样做是因为它用有自己节目的所有权。HBO can do this because it owns its programmes.

如何决定所有权仍然是一个困难问题。How to quiet title is still a difficult problem.

共有是所有权的特殊形式。The co-ownership is a special form of ownership.