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小心刻度。Watch out for the scale.

刻度在你们那边。The scale is on your side.

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实现满刻度的首次展示。Implement the full-scale rollout.

在尺子上分厘米刻度。The ruler is divided into centimetres.

这把尺是厘米刻度的吗?Is this ruler graduated in centimeters?

这只量杯是盎司刻度的。The measuring cup is graduated in ounces.

一个男子在Koram附近的农场里调整秤的刻度。A man adjusts a scale on a farm near Koram.

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为什么美女在栅栏上标上刻度?Why did the blonde scale the chain-link fence?

刻度钢尺。工程师用刻度尺。结构要求。Object required by the internal . net structure.

旋转这个环直到时间子午线偏移刻度。Turn the ring until the time meridian offset scale.

颜色刻度显示了每十年日期天数的趋势。The color scales show the trends in days per decade.

天然的黑色母贝表盘与小时刻度。Natural black Mother-of-Pearl dial with hour markers.

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焊接温度刻度在面板上,方便控制。Soldering temperature scale on panel for easy control.

指针下的刻度读数即为安培数。The scale under the pointer reads directly in amperes.

同样的,莫尔斯代码和华氏刻度也不能被收录。The same applies to Morse code and the Farenheit scale.

她的刻度的继母只是取笑她,被告诉她Her wicked stepmother just laughed mockingly and told her

量表单独使用时的满刻度读数可以为15伏。The fullscale reading of the meter alone may be 15 volts.

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包括节流刻度板和安装五金件。Throttling index plate and mounting hardware is included.

在美国,温度是用华氏刻度来衡量的。In America, temperature is measured on the Fahrenheit scale.

药杯与眼同高,倒药液至所需刻度处。Place medication cup at eye level and fill to desired level.