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7月底太阳使他热汗淋淋。The July sun had made him hot.

他们有两个吸孔,一在每个月底。They have two suckers , one at each end.

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了解月底及年底关账需懂事项。Month End and Year End Processing matters.

在周末或月底的时候,把整个盒子捐出去。At the end of each week or month, donate it.

请写一份月底总结报告。Please write a summary of our monthly report.

他们在月底时送出账单。They send their account at the end of the month.

每月底给财务部的员工办理下月的饭卡。Apply new meal card for staff by the end of month.

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月初摘完草莓,月底就是樱桃压枝的时节。At the end of June, it's time to pick up cherries.

我们在月底将上演一出儿童剧。Well put on a children play at the end of this month.

可他们这12月底的疯狂却始终让我摸不着头脑。Yet this end-of-December madness makes no sense to me.

西泽把这些多出来的天数加到某几个月的月底。Caesar added these extra days to the end of some months.

销售额至上月底为止达10000英镑。Sales up to and including last month amounted to £10000.

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她让我将支票上的日期填为月底。She let me postdate the cheque until the end of the month.

月底应该有个试要考,还有3个月后的。At the end should have a test to test, also after 3 months.

如果你这个月底参加网络营销峰会,请打个招呼。If you’re attending OMS later this month, please say hello.

这样严酷无情的训练进行到了月底,萝茜学会了阅读。At the end of a grim and brutal month, Rosie learned to read.

到1938年3月底,大多数奸杀行为均已结束。By the end of March 1938, most of the rape and killing ended.

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到这月底,你会把我们的餐具全都打破了。By the end of this month you will have broken all our dishes.

到月底他在这里工作就满十年了。He climbed a mountain just full 10 years at end of this month.

我能否将这两笔订单留到这个月底一起付清?Can I pay for these two orders together by the end of the month?