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土司怎么样?我可以做。Toast. I can make toast.

吉姆用烤面包机烤土司。Jim made toast in the toaster.

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把黄油涂在土司面包上。Spread the butter on the toast.

我能来点茶和土司面包吗?。Can I have tea and toast, please?

荷包蛋和土司非常的美味。Poached eggs on toast are very nice

木是土司的姓。Mu, as the surname of the chieftains.

因为他们要替土司干活。As they all worked for the chieftains.

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我想要些土司面包和鸡翅膀。I’d like some toast and chicken wings.

土司沾上打散的蛋液及牛奶。Toast dip with beat eggs and then milks.

同样是为了尊重木氏土司。Also as a way of respect for Chieftain Mu.

我早饭可能吃鸡蛋和土司。I'll probably have eggs and toast for breakfast.

拉莉在一片土司上涂柠檬果酱。Lally was spreading marmalade on a piece of toast.

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对我们已经订定住相似的国王的计划的一片土司面包。A toast to the plans we've made to live like kings.

酉阳土司文化内容丰富,表现形式多样。Tusi culture is reach in content with various forms.

您要丹麦甜品、法式牛角面包或土司?。Would you like Danish pastries , croissant or toast?

回到旅馆,我要了土司面包和热巧克力。Back at the hotel I asked for toast and hot chocolate.

土司面包及少量杏仁酱和蜜饯Toast with light spread of almond butter and preserves

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丰饶浓郁的土司芬芳与焦糖、香草气息交织融合。Savour warm, rich aromas of toast, caramel and vanilla.

任何能夹在两片土司中间的东西,美国人就可以把它作成一份三明治,花生酱和果酱更是一直都深受美国人的喜爱。Peanut butter and jelly is an all-time American favorite.

我们就着土司面包和煎蛋卷,每个人的观点都有所改良。We added toast and omelets and everyone's outlook improved.