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戴有支撑作用的胸罩。Wear a supportive bra.

拆去支撑螺栓盖。Remove anchor bolt cover.

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打开并支撑升降闸门。Open and support liftgate.

位于23500点的支撑是弱的。Support at 23500 was weak.

那个结支撑得住吗?Is that knot going to hold?

水平支撑开始,并保持2秒。Planche, Hold for 2 seconds.

加厚空中网的背部支撑。Padded air mesh back support.

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在一个台基或者支撑物上竖直地站。The urn stands on a pedestal.

水泥柱支撑着大桥。These posts support the roof.

屋顶由六根柱子支撑。The roof rests on six columns.

顶多能支撑半个左右。At most can support about half.

静音摇臂支撑结构,噪声更低。The mute rocker arm, less noise.

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三个拱形礅支撑着那座桥。Three arches sustain the bridge.

安装排气管支撑物。Install the exhaust pipe support.

卡瓦建议使用标准支撑臂。KaVo recommends the standard arm.

三个拱形礅支撑着那座桥。The bridge rests on stone arches.

八根柱子支撑着这个大圆顶。Eight columns uphold the big dome.

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他把手肘支撑在枕头上。He propped his elbow on the pillow.

它支撑我和使我的头脑冷静。It braces me up and sobers my mind.

这棵老树用一根柱子支撑着。This old tree is held up by a post.