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我昨天碰巧撞见了他。I ran aross him yesterday.

父亲撞见他偷苹果。His father caught him filching apples.

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我们根本不可能撞见正义本身We don't ever bump into justice itself.

现在没有,从我再次撞见他以来都没有。Not now, not since I bumped into him again.

今天,我妈撞见我在打灰机。Today, my mom walked in on me masturbating.

刚刚离开时,林婴婴就撞见了腾村。Just left, Lin Ying baby bump into the village.

正好被阿帕查撞见,惹起一场轩然大波。Just be the check caught, to provoke up a storm.

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他们撞见他在他们的场院里偷牛。They caught him rustling cattle in their farmyard.

如果他撞见我和其他男人在一起,他可能会把我两都杀了。If he caught me with another man, he'd kill us both.

我去年还在市中心的麦迪逊大道上撞见她。I ran into her last year on Madison Avenue in midtown.

如果她撞见你正在偷看她的日记,她一定会发火的。If she catches you reading her diary, she’ll be furious.

昨晚,我回到家时撞见了一夜贼。Last night , I came back my home and suiprised a burglar.

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我在上班的路上撞见了一件有趣的事。On my way to office, I came across something interesting.

我前几天在街上撞见了我的前男友。I bumped into my ex-boyfriend the other day in the street.

她忘了玛德尼正往这走,一下子在人行桥上撞见了他。She forgot about Mandeni coming and met him on the footbridge.

没想到今天我撞见了老李。今年他像撞了鬼似的,倒霉事不断。I tried to avoid him, but it was just my luck to bump into him.

那个警察撞见了苏比在偷那位老太太的钱。The policeman caught Soapy stealing the money from the old lady.

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如果我们在商场里撞见,我可不愿意搭理她。If we run into her at the mall, I don't even want to talk to her.

他被撞见拼命想要解开几盘缠在一起的胶卷。He was found desperately trying to untangle several reels of film.

我们俩都在好又多购物时,撞见了彼此。We bumped into each other when we were shopping in the Trust Mart.