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过氧化钡加锌粉。Barium peroxide and zinc dust.

电炉是锌粉工艺进行还原熔炼的承载设备。Electric furnace is major equipment of zinc powder reduction smelting.

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本文对无汞锌粉研究的某些时进展进行概括。Some aspects in the research of mercury-free zinc powder were summarized.

氧化锌粉末已经通过水热法成功制得。Zinc oxide powders have been successfully prepared via hydrothermal process.

讨论了在净化过程中锌粉全悬浮的重要性。The importance of zinc powder full suspended in the purity process is discussed.

研究了铜锌粉末在不同退火工艺下的显微组织变化。The microstructures of Cu- Zn powder under different annealing conditions were studied.

探索了球状锌粉锌基烧结涂层的基本工艺条件。Technology of obtaining Zinc-based sintered coating with globular Zinc powder was studied.

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将所制备的锌粉进行了筛分,对粒径的大小和分布进行了分析。There is a wide range of particle sizes which approximate the log-normal distribution law.

在研究过程中,首次提出了以松装密度作为锌粉的一个新的质量参数。Loose packed density is firstly used as a quality parameter of zinc powder in this article.

碱浸-电解法作为一种生产高纯度锌粉的新工艺,具有流程简单、原料适应性强、成本低等优点。The new technology of production of Zn powder by alkaline leaching and electrowinning is described.

介绍碱浸-电解湿法直接生产金属锌粉的新工艺。The new technology of production of Zn powder by alkaline leaching and electrowinning is described.

本发明涉及一种纳米锌粉的单槽超声电解制备方法,属于纳米金属材料制备领域。The invention relates to a nanometer zinc dust single groove ultrasound electrolytic preparing method.

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生产超细锌粉是开发利用锌资源,提高其附加值的有效途径。It is a valid way to develop Zinc resource and improve its extra value by producing ultrafine Zinc dust.

在超声波作用下,利用氧化锌粉和硫化钠溶液反应制备纳米硫化锌。Nanoparticles ZnS were prepared with ZnO and Na2S by solid-liquid chemical reaction under ultrasonic condition.

以制备超细鳞片状锌粉为目的,对羧酸烃类表面活性剂进行了研究。The properties of alkane surfactant with carboxyl were studied in order to prepare ultrafine flake zinc powders.

同时,本文也针对锌粉锌粉形貌、粒度与性能的关系作了大量的研究分析。By the way, we do much work over the influence of the powder shape and granularity on the zinc powder capability.

氟碳树脂漆生产过程中,副产氯化锌-甲醇-锌粉混合废液。There is by-product zinc chloride-methanol-zinc dust mixed waste liquid in the production of fluorocarbon coatings.

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论述了电炉生产锌粉的基本原理和在实践中稳定生产并取得较好指标的技术措施。The basic principle for production of zinc powder was discussed, and the technical measure for good index was also raised.

在丁基橡胶中,氧化锌粉分散不均匀将极大降低制品如硫化胶囊的使用寿命。In Butyl rubber, zinc oxide powder disperses extremely large lessening products unevenly if vulcanization capsule life time.

以五氯吡啶为原料,通过锌粉还原制备出中间产物2,3,5,6-四氯吡啶,再由2,3,5,6-四氯吡啶水解,制备出农药中间体3,5,6-三氯吡啶-2-酚。Starting from pentachloropyridine, intermediate product 2,3,5,6-tetrachloropyridine was prepared by reduction with zinc dust.