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遵守交谊厅使用规定。Please abide by the using rules of the meeting place.

复健科,供应室,厨房,交谊厅。Rehabilitation Division, Supply Center, Kitchen, Lounge.

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不要让小小的争端损毁了一场宏大的交谊。Donat let just some dispute stop working a great friendship.

这是一个努力的团体而且我很高兴说我和他们交谊匪浅。It’s a team effort and I’m happy to also say that I hook up with them a lot.

老年人聚集在交谊厅,为了友谊,也为了一顿热腾腾的午饭。Old people are gathering in the social hall for comradeship and a hot lunch.

他乔装打扮成迷人的巫婆来到交谊会上,真的把我们都愚弄了。He really slipped one over on us when he came to the party dressed as a witch.

我们邀请你留步午餐交谊,享受点心。We invite you to stay behind for lunch, enjoy the sweets and fellowship with one another.

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健身中心有很多种健身课程与器材可选择,还有可休息的交谊厅。There are many courses and equipment to choose in the gym. There are also lounges for taking a rest.

我们鼓励弟兄姊妹能带自己的杯子来并存放在交谊厅的柜子里。We encourage brothers and sisters bring their own cups and leave it on the shelf in the fellowship hall.

未成年人可以到供应啤酒与葡萄酒的餐厅吃饭,但不可以进入酒馆、酒店、鸡尾酒交谊厅或酒吧。Minors can eat at restaurants that serve beer and wine, but they are not allowed to enter pubs, taverns, cocktail lounges or bars.

首先,如果我们是诚实的,我们将会被其他信赖,如此其他信赖将会给我们自尊和社会的交谊。To begin with, if we are honest, we will be trusted by others so others' trust will give us self-respect as well as social companionship.

天堂的女仆和至高圣殿的居民将簇拥它,上帝的诸先知及其特选者会寻求与它交谊。The Maids of Heaven, inmates of the loftiest mansions, will circle around it, and the Prophets of God and His chosen ones will seek its companionship.

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陈师道与苏轼的交谊,植根于他们对为人和交友的共同道德价值选择和在文学事业上的共同追求。The friendship between Chen and Su appeared with the same choice of the moral and value of making friends and the common pursuit of literature and cause.

考察韩、陆之关系,非仅仅止于二人交谊之薄厚,亦关乎中唐复杂政局及文学发展之内在因缘。Investigating their relationship can help better understand the relationship between complicated political situation and literature development in the Mid-tang Dynasty.

人们之间的交谊和团结越是紧密,人类各领域建设与成就的能力就越强大。The stronger the ties of fellowship and solidarity amongst men, the greater will be the power of constructiveness and accomplishment in all the planes of human activity.

为这是交谊的欢喜、国内的协调和无穷的母亲爱的快乐和希望的一个欺骗故事,全部看穿三月家庭的生活。For this is a beguiling story of happiness and hope, of the joys of companionship, domestic harmony and infinite mother love , all seen through the life of the March family.

中唐时代的贾岛、姚合两位诗人因交谊密切、诗风类似而被后世并称为“姚贾”。Mid-Tang-Dynasty poets Jia Dao and Yao He are mentioned together by later generations as Yao and Jia on account of their closeness of friendship and similarity of poetic styles.

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因此,本文以苏门六君子的交谊为线索,分析了其在各个不同阶段的交谊基础、交谊特点及由此产生的文学、文化的影响。Therefore, this paper tracks down the friendship of Six Men and analyses the basis and characteristics of their friendship at different stages and impact on the literature and culture.

元宵节赏花灯正好是一个交谊的机会,未婚男女借着赏花灯也顺便可以为自己物色对象。Lantern Festival enjoys flower light exactly an opportunity to make friends, single men and women's borrowing to enjoy flower a light also can be oneself conveniently thing color object.

这些咖啡屋的客人几乎清一色是韩国人,他们愿意花大钱,不只是为了爪哇咖啡,也为了这里的气氛,他们白天上班,晚上可以来这里和朋友交谊。The shops are almost exclusively patronized by Koreans who will pay high prices not just for the java but for an atmosphere in which they can do business during the day and meet friends at night.