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说者无意,听者有心。Be a good listener, mvp.

他无意交谈。He was disinclined for conversation.

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我无意改变我的立场。I have no idea for changing my position.

如今,他们又无意之中脱离了这个行列。Now, they have inadvertently drifted out.

有时候他们甚至是无意的。This doesn’t even have to be intentional.

我无意追寻,但你却不知怎的找到了我。I wasn't lookin' but somehow you found me.

或许它们将无意于再开展任何产品推广活动。Maybe they will not do any promotion at all.

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一张无意看到任何事和任何人的面孔。A look that wished to see nothing and no one.

我无意在此讽刺精神分析的支持者们。And now, I don't want to caricature Freudians.

她的背景使她无意抵抗。Her background disinclined her from resistance.

无论出于有意或无意,他们都是毒害者。Poisoners are they, whether they know it or not.

一件芬芳的礼物或者无意抛落的纪念品。A scented gift and rememberance designedly dropt.

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茶于无意之中,悄悄融入我们的精神领域。It has gradually entered into our spiritual realm.

一句无意的话,可造成一个不可挽回的结果。A careless word, can cause an irreversible results.

这种现象被称作是“无意失聪”。The phenomenon is known as "inattentional deafness".

我无意就此问题惹你厌烦。I have no intention of wearying you with this matter.

要不要孩子是个人选择问题,我无意对此加以辩驳。I am not debating people’s choice not to have children.

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只是在网上无意看见了蓝玫瑰的几张图片,便无可救药地爱上她。I am wondering what the meaning of blue roses could be?

如果你故意或无意地污损考卷。If you spoil your paper, intentionally or accidentally.

在节的群中央,我无意偶尔遇见一个老同砚。Eg. I met up with an old classmate in the holiday crowd.