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如何破解当前的危局成了各界关注的焦点。How to solve the current crisis became the focus of the.

就连和澳洲长期以来在亚洲最亲近的伙伴关系也面临危局。Now relations with Australia, Japan's closest friend in Asia, are at risk.

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对于水资源危局理解上的困难还来自于它其他方面的特殊性。Many of these conceptual difficulties arise from other unusual aspects of water.

更不可能是巧合的是全球性的房地产泡沫现在正面临着破裂的危局。More can not be coincidence that the global real estate bubble are now facing the critical breakdown.

惟有实行民众和政府一致的抗战,才能挽救这个危局。This crisis can be overcome only if resistance is carried out jointly by the people and the government.

为挽救危局,强国富民,中间人士提出所谓中间路线,企图走“第三条道路”实现和平建国。Democratic parties attempted to walk the "the third road" to solve the crisis and make our country strong.

只有果断淘汰落后、严格控制总量方能化解钢铁危局。Backward elimination, only resolute, strictly control the total amount of iron and steel in order to resolve a critical situation.

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中国股票市场充满了非理性现象,被许多人士称作“政策市”、“投机市”和“赌博市”,如今已经陷入进退两难的危局。There are full of irrational phenomena in Chinese stock market, which is called policy market, speculation market or gambling market.

近年来,我国股市显现出了持续低迷的运行态势,中国股票市场充满了非理性现象,如今已经陷入进退两难的危局。China's stock market has been depressing for quite a long time and the problems left over by history has become more and more serious now.

作为全球经济的领航者,G20现在面临的测试可能是,在外汇储备已不自觉演变成财政上的"军备竞赛"时,该如何排解这一危局.And the test of the G20 as a global economic steering body may now be how it defuses what has become an almost involuntary financial "arms race."

由于日本的核泄漏危机,中国最大的铀矿并购合同陷入危局,虽然其他投资者已经失去冷静,而中国仍保持其头脑清醒。its biggest uranium-mining deal at stake, China has kept its head during Japan's nuclear crisis while other investors in the sector have been losing theirs.

所以,他们不愿做出大胆举措甚至某些有可能迅速突破危局制服歹徒的方法,只要这些举措和方法可能会影响到人质的安全。So they're not willing to make bold move or take any chance that could gain an upper hand over kidnappers, if it could also further jeopardize hostage's lives.

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如果任员工-经理的关系自生自灭,那我们是把不计其数的才干和生产力置于危局之中,更不用提整个公司的健康发展了。If we just leave employee-manager relationships to chance, we're putting tremendous amounts of talent and productivity—not to mention the overall health of our companies—at risk.

在近代史中,这次感动人心的危局,在巴黎人的记忆中称之谓“暴动时期”,这肯定是本世纪风暴中最突出的一个时期。This pathetic crisis of contemporary history which the memory of Parisians calls "the epoch of the riots, " is certainly a characteristic hour amid the stormy hours of this century.

而2009年,房价下行的压力依然巨大,行业整合不可避免,大量的房地产企业将面临被淘汰的危局。But, Downward pressure on prices is still huge in 2009, Industry consolidation is inevitable, a large number of real estate enterprises will face a critical situation being eliminated.